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Mid-South Chapter, VHPA, Meeting Minutes, 13 Mar 99

Next meeting: 10 Apr 99, Army Aviation Support Facility, Smyrna Airport, Smyrna, TN 1000 hrs.

Attending: Charles Bell, Ross Rainwater, Mike Haley, Tom Williams, Joe Douglas, Ray Clark, Rick Haines, Gerald Ragland, Tom Reeves, Frank Pierce, Bob Bales, Christ Horton, and Rhea Rippey.

Meeting was called to order by Chapter President Charles Bell, at the Smyrna Army Aviation Support Facility. Attendees were given the opportunity to give brief biographical introductions.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. [They are always posted to our web page.]

Officer/Member Reports

Secretary Ross Rainwater distributed updated membership rosters, and reported we now have 47 paid members, a gain of 3 since last meeting (including Ray Clark this date; and by mail, Bill Laxton and Fred Zandri). He also reported the request for the $500 "chapter seed money" available from the national VHPA organization has been submitted.

Treasurer Rhea Rippey reported chapter finances in good order with no current accounts payable.

Vice President Tom Reeves will continue working on a chapter mission statement in order to confirm and justify our tax exempt status. He also reported obtaining an extension for IRS filing in order to clarify some points.

Rhea Rippey, standing in for Bob Fladry, presented examples of the Reunion and Chapter glass mugs which will be available. Concensus was unanimous that the mugs are exceptional. Each Registrant will receive one at Reunion, with additional quantities available for sale during the Reunion. It was unanimously approved to order an additional 2,000 beyond those required to meet Reunion attendee requirements to meet sales expectations, including display at the upcoming AAAA meeting in Nashville. In support of marketing efforts on behalf of for-sale items (Reunion, internet, AAAA), a Marketing Committee was appointed:  Mark Stuart (Chair), Bob Fladry, Bob Bales, Frank Pierce, and Rhea Rippey.

VHPA Reunion:  Reunion Chair Mike Haley reports all planning continues to move forward at a good pace. Overall registrations are running well ahead of last year. [An after-meeting comparison reveals that YTD registrations are three times the YTD figures of last year!]. (After the formal chapter meeting, Mike, Ross Rainwater, Rhea Rippey, and Charlie Bell reviewed various logistics requirements, plans, and layouts for the reunion. They plan on-site visits to the HQ hotel prior to the next chapter meeting. VHPA HQ continues to provide timely information and updates as to registrations, etc., and is much appreciated.)

There being no further chapter business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Ross Rainwater
Secretary, Mid-South Chapter VHPA