Meeting Minutes, 26 Aug 00
Attending: Pres. Charles Bell, VP Tom Reeves, Treasurer Rhea Rippey, Art Jacobs, Member-at-large Bob Fladry, Mike Haley, and Secretary Ross RainwaterMeeting was called to order by Pres. Charles Bell.
20 May meeting minutes were distributed and approved.
Secretary Rainwater reports 63 members on our roster, but some are overdue on dues payments and will be eligible to be dropped from the roll.
Treasurer Rippey reports chapter finances in good order, with over $6,700 in our account, with only a $50 payment for the meeting room as a payable.
Old Business
o Art Jacobs reminded that Life Members were promised a fancier Chapter Membership Card. Secretary Rainwater will follow through on this.
o VP Tom Reeves reported that 501(c)(3) updates have been made, and all necessary filings completed to qualify for tax-exempt status as a veterans organization.
o Associate Membership: To finalize discussions begun at the last meeting, a non-voting Associate Membership category was proposed, discussed, moved, seconded, and passed.
Associate Membership shall be defined as available to those with non-VHPA eligibility who have a confirmed US or Allied military or aviation experience, family relationship with a VHPA member, or Vietnam service. Approval of such an Associate Member will be by a vote of the Board of Directors (officers of the chapter) after sponsorship by a chapter member. Dues shall be 50 percent of current active chapter membe dues. Participation in chapter activies will be limited to social activities.
o Mike Haley reported that he and George Neely have been working on locating candidates for a chapter helicopter. MTSU has a Huey and an OH-58, with the latter possibly available. Consensus was that an OH-6 would be preferable, but they are extremely rare. Bob Fladry is pursuing Fort Campbell aircraft for display use on a "loaner" basis.
o Bob Fladry reported $224 in sales of Chapter merchandise at the recent "Week of Eagles" at Fort Campbell.
New Business
o Art Jacobs requested consideration of a chapter name change to something more descriptive of our locale. After discussion, this was tabled for next meeting.
o Honorary Membership: To complement the Associate Membership category, a non-voting Honorary Membership category was also approved. This category will be for purposes of honoring special friends of the chapter/VHPA, supporting businesses, etc. Awarded as a "thank you" by the chapter, there will be no dues or other obligations. Such members (or corporate representative) would be welcome at chapter social functions.
o Chapter Investments: It was moved, seconded, and approved to invest the majority of chapter funds within the next two weeks. Treasurer Rippey will follow through on this.
In order to transfer such funds, the following language (required by investment companies who handle non-profit organization's money) is made a matter of record:
"At a meeting held on 27 Aug 00, at which a quorum was present, the governing body of the organization duly adopted a resolution authorizing the investment companies to act upon the instructions of the designated officer(s), in accordance with the charter and bylaws of the organization; and the resolution and this certification are true and correct and remain in full force and effect as of the date hereof."
o Smyrna Air Show, 9-10 Sep 00: Members are encouraged to volunteer to man our tent as both a recruiting effort and opportunity to sell more chapter merchandise. Pres. Charles Bell is point of contact.
o Veterans Day Parade, 11 Nov 00: Since it's on a Saturday this year, we would hope to have a large turnout. Members should plan to meet across from Jim Reed Chevrolet on West End Avenue by 1030 hrs. Cav Hats, spurs, etc., would be authorized. We have new banners for this year.
o Chapter Elections: Although this meeting would normally have been the end of our current officers' two-year enlistment, they agreed to continue to serve until our next meeting, where the primary business would be to elect new officers. Anyone with an interest in serving is requested to contact any current officer and let them know.
o Next Meeting: 1000 Hrs, 7 Oct 00, Army Aviation Support Facility, Smyrna, TN.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Ross Rainwater
ORWAC 70-24
C-1/9 Air Cav, 1st Cav, '70-'71
Secretary, Mid-South Chapter, VHPA