Mid-South Chapter VHPA and VHPA Reunion '99 Committee Meeting, 7 Aug 99
Attending: Charles Robertson, Steve Smith, Charles Bell, Rhea Rippey, Bob Bales, Mike Haley, Richmond Stephens, Chris Horton, Bob Fladry, Mark Stuart, and Ross Rainwater.
President Charles Bell called the meeting to order at the meeting room of the Ponderosa Steak House, I-65 and Trinity Lane, Nashville. Charles reminded this was our First Year Anniversary as a chapter. Minutes of the previous meeting were distributed and, after review, were approved.
Old Business
Secretary Ross Rainwater reported 54 paid chapter members as of this meeting (with receipt of application during meeting from Clifford McGee being #55). He also circulated a list of those whose annual dues ($10) are payable in August: Arnold Bailey, Charles Bell, Chuck Bell, James Delvaux, Rick Haines, Mike Haley (pd during meeting), Bill Hartbarger, Tom Reeves, Rhea Rippey, Rick Roll, Dave Shoop, and Whit Whitworth. As Webmaster, Ross reported as soon as he receives the final Reunion attendance figures from National, they will be posted to the chapter website.
Treasurer Rhea Rippey reported all chapter finances in good order, with only one more invoice involving Reunion 99 yet to be paid. Rhea also reported that as he was leaving the Reunion hotel for the last time, he mentioned to one of the bell captains that he imagined they were glad to see the last of the VHPA. Rhea said she got serious for a moment, and commented that the VHPA group was the best they'd ever had! No problems, plenty of courtesy, etc. Others commented hearing the same feedback from hotel staff as the Reunion was closing.
After Action Report: Comments and suggestions are solicited from all Reunion committee members and VHPA attendees as to how the event could have been improved, problems avoided/solved, etc. for this report, which will be forwarded to VHPA National HQ and the Chairmen of Reunion 2000 and 2001. Send your comments to Rhea Rippey, preferably by e-mail.
Items Still Available For Sale: Bob Fladry, Mark Stuart, and Bob Bales reported on Reunion items still in stock. Motion was passed to appoint Rhea Rippey and Bob Bales to develop and implement a marketing plan to make these items available for sale. Mark reported brisk t-shirt sales (a sell-out, with over 150 orders taken for post-reunion shipment), fair-to-mediocre hat sales, and good sales on pins and mugs. T-shirts will continue to be produced as orders are received, ordering procedure to be developed.
New Business
Recruiting Efforts: Attendees discussed upcoming events available to the Chapter for recruiting. President Bell volunteered to be OIC of a booth/table at the upcoming Smyrna Air Show (11 Sep 99). Charles Robertson volunteered to help with the first Operation Rocky Top, an all-services, all-eras veterans' celebration in Jackson, TN (29-31 Oct 99). Bob Bales will conduct a mass mailing if a suitable mailing list can be obtained from National HQ (as was done in the past). Member were encouraged to be alert to similar or other such venues, suitable for "getting the word out."
Chapter Long-Range Goals: By the next meeting, all chapter members are encouraged to submit ideas and proposals for upcoming Chapter events, projects, veterans/humanitarian support, social events. Concensus was, now that the Reunion is behind us, we have the time and finances to plan for, and manage the chapter's long-range goals and what we hope to accomplish. Members are encouraged to bring their ideas to the next meeting or, if unable to attend, to send them by mail or e-mail. (By mail: Ross Rainwater, c/o FCC, Inc. 5123 Virginia Way, C-13, Brentwood, TN 37027-7519. By e-mail to Tom Reeves, Vice President/Membership.)
Next chapter meeting will be 1100 hrs 9 October 99. Location: TBA. (Location suggestions are welcome.)
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Ross Rainwater
Secretary, Mid-South Chapter
Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Assoc.