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Mid-South Chapter, VHPA, Meeting Minutes, 08 May 99
Next meeting: 12 Jun 99/Renaissance Hotel, 1000 hrs.

Attending: Tom Reeves, Bob Fladry, Charles Robertson, Rick Haines, Richmond Stephens, Whit Whitworth, Bart Murphy, Mike Haley, Rhea Rippey. President Charlie Bell was excused to fly in defense of his country while Secretary
Ross Rainwater was riding to hounds with the bluebloods. There must be a parable there somewhere.

Meeting was called to order by Chapter Vice-President Tom Reeves.

The minutes of the April 99 meeting were read and approved.

Officer/Member Reports

Vice President Tom Reeves welcomed new member Richmond Stephens and visitor Bart Murphy. After their introductions, Tom spoke in some detail about our early chapter history, our plans for achieving our 501 3(c) non-profit status, our support of the 1999 VHPA Reunion, some ideas for our mission beyond the reunion, and plans for obtaining corporate funding.

Old Business

The number of reunion mugs to be ordered by Bob Fladry was verified (3,000). This number will cover those presented by national to each attendee as well as provide an overage that will be sold by this chapter and reimbursed to national.

Bob Fladry reported that Mark Stuart has nailed down all vendor details with TN Cap & Shirt for the production of registration packet gifts and the reunion t-shirt.

New Business

Treasurer Rhea Rippey provided the financial report. There are no current payables, beyond our intermediate-term debt for chapter mugs. Seed money from national has been received and balances are in good order.

An appeal for chapter members to man the VHPA table at the Opryland Hotel AAAA convention was made. Especially critical is Wednesday, May 12. Volunteers are asked to contact Charlie Bell at (615) 355-3732 to coordinate.

The chapter approved reimbursement to Tom Reeves of a personal expenditure for a funeral spray sent on behalf of the chapter to the funeral of chapter member Robert Parsons III.

Mid-South Chapter Reunion TOC has been designated as Board Room #2 at the Renaissance Hotel. This room will be used exclusively by chapter personnel in the preparation, execution and stand down phases of the 16th Annual VHPA Reunion activities.

At this point the meeting was turned over to Mike Haley, who hosted a discussion of numerous and various issues regarding the upcoming reunion.

The meeting was adjourned at 1130 hrs.

Respectfully submitted,

Rhea Rippey, Treasurer
Mid-South Chapter VHPA