Mid-South Chapter VHPA and VHPA Reunion '99 Committee Meeting, 12 Jun 99
President Charles Bell called the meeting to order at the Renaissance Hotel, site of the 99 Reunion. Minutes of the previous meeting were distributed and, after review, were approved without a formal reading.
Old Business
Secretary Ross Rainwater reported 51 paid chapter members as of this meeting.
Treasurer Rhea Rippey reported all chapter finances in good order.
Reunion 99 Chair Mike Haley gave a thorough overview of the reunion schedule.
Reunion planning continues, with final preparations underway. Most vendor items will arrive by 22 June. On-site storage space at the Renaissance Hotel will initially be in one of the boardroom meeting rooms.
Chapter sold $192 worth of mugs at the recent AAAA meeting in Nashville.
New Business
Duty assignment roster for Reunion 99 was circulated, with many members taking mulitple slots.
Assembly of regunion registration packets will be held at the Flight Operations Building, Smyrna Airport, 1000 hrs, 17 June.
General discussion followed concerning activities yet to be finalized, logistics of handling materials, items for sale, computer systems installation, etc. Concensus was that while there was yet much to do, all could be accomplished by the opening of the Reunion.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Ross Rainwater
Secretary, Mid-South Chapter
Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Assoc.