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Future Options for MS-VHPA

10 Feb 06

I. The Problem

Having been officially severed from VHPA national, partially motivated by HQ concern over potential liability to the parent organization, MS-VHPA remains currently licensed by the Secretary of State as “Viet Nam Helicopter Pilots Association, Mid-South Chapter, Incorporated.” This designation suggests an existing linkage to a larger national organization. Further, in documents filed with the Tennessee Secretary of State, we list our President as Ken Culwell, an office that remains vacant. In addition, Tom Reeves, our VP, has relocated to East TN.

If there were no other impediments, we still would be operating as a Tennessee state-licensed entity that no longer meets the description under which we were chartered, and which fails to meet state requirements pertaining to an operational slate of officers and board of directors. In addition, we continue to operate as a tax-exempt 501 (c) (3) organization pursuant to rulings granted to us under Internal Revenue Code.

To the best of our knowledge, we were never in any way legally connected to the national organization through linking documentation, charter materials, or so forth, and are in no substantive way operating in an overtly harmful or illegal fashion at present. However, the objective reality of having been severed officially from the national organization, combined with our specific leadership and definitional shortfalls, compel us to recommend a systemic change in status for MS-VHPA after successive months of relative inactivity.

II. Current Status

A. Financial Report

1. Bank Acct Balance: $4,623.73 (31 Dec 05)
2. Investment Balance: $3,739.90 (31 Dec 05)
3. Known Payables: $ 000.00* * Possible termination fees + final expenses from Secretary
4. Receivables: $ 000.00* * Ken Culwell has offered to purchase our tent for 100.00

III. Options

The following list of options has been established by initial discussions among chapter officers. The list is by no means closed to other suggestions by chapter members.

Rename MS-VHPA as a Viet Nam-related helicopter pilots group, retain our RVN commonality, reinvigorate our mission, maintain the web site as a communication tool, and March On.

This option requires the election of a full set of officers, the establishment of a worthwhile, achievable set of activities, and participation by a meaningful percentage of chapter members on an ongoing basis. This option would occasion a re-filing with both IRS and Secretary of State, possibly retaining our present corporate structure while changing only our name. Otherwise, a complete “from scratch” set of state and federal applications would be required.

Currently, our list of common activities that routinely draw member participation includes the annual Veterans Day Parade on 11 November in Nashville, the newly-revived Smyrna Air Show, and the AAAA Convention held at Opryland every few years.

Options for Treasury: retain all current assets or contribute some assets to worthy veterans causes. We are restricted ONLY to other 501 ( c ) 3 organizations. Possible charitable organizations include those offering training for disabled veterans, scholarships for the kids of severely wounded or disabled veterans, and so forth.

Terminate chapter operations entirely.

Options for Treasury: disburse all assets to qualifying, worthy veterans causes. A tentative list of worthwhile military-related possibilities is detailed below.

Under this option, we would retain the web site under a modified name in order to maintain some group communication capability, post general items of interest, and so forth.

Morph into the Combat Helicopter Pilots Association (CHPA), a new organization designed to encompass all US military helicopter pilots who served in combat, regardless of service branch, war, or duty status. The purpose of CHPA is to maintain the Legacy of combat helicopter pilots, and in doing so opens membership to active duty, NG, Reserve, and former military aviators. For more info visit

Since CHPA is a newly formed organization just getting off the ground, there are no formal chapters yet in existence. Initially, at least, any affiliation with CHPA would be as an interest group, using the web site in its present role as an information center and communication device for new CHPA members. Options for Treasury: (1) Contribute all assets to worthy veterans cause(s).

IV. Agenda Items

Determine Future Course of MS-VHPA

a. Discontinue existence as MS-VHPA. Continue as RVN-related interest group under new name. Re-file with State & IRS while maintaining current Web Site for communication.

b. Continue current “chapter” activities (Veterans Day Parade, Smyrna Air Show, AAAA) as a VHPA interest group.

c. Discontinue existence as MS-VHPA. Morph interested members into CHPA, with option of supporting AAAA as CHPA members.

d. Additional suggestions?

Treasury Disposition Options Under Consideration

[Note: You may have to Cut/Paste some of these addresses into your browser. Also, to date only (a) has been vetted as a 503 ( c ) 3 org, and thereby legal for us to fund. The rest haven’t yet reported yet, but we will know by meeting time.]

a. Salute America’s Heroes

b. Army Emergency Relief Fund

c. Wounded Warrior Project

d. Night Stalker Association Scholarships

e. USO

f. (Feel free to suggest other deserving organizations)

Determine Tent Disposition

Respectfully submitted,

MSVHPA Executive Committee