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26 Feb 00 Meeting Photos

This was the chapter's first meeting which specifically invited spouses/significant others. Several members brought their Sixes which helped prevent the dinner at Brooksie's Barn from degenerating into some sort of Cav-inspired brawl!

VP Tom Reeves, Pres. Charles Bell
Treas. Rhea Rippey

Charles Bell, Rhea Rippey,
Mark Wood, and Danny Spitzer

Cliff McGee, Bob Fladry
Art Jacobs, and Chuck Bell

Cliff McGee, Charles Robertson,
and Mark Wood

Danny Spitzer, Chuck Bell,
and Cliff McGee

Tom Reeves, Ross Rainwater,
Chuck Bell, and Danny Spitzer

Laying waste to whole herds of
livestock converted to great BBQ
at Brooksie's Barn, Jackson, TN!