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Mid-South VHPA, Meeting Minutes 14 Jul 07
Members present: Chris Horton (president), Charley Bell, Robert Colson, George Neely, Pete Norman (host and owner of our meeting place, Uncle Pete's Truck Stop, Lebanon ), Rhea Rippey (treasurer), and Ross Rainwater (secretary).
Secretary: Minutes of the previous meeting have been online since our last meeting. Approved.
Treasurer: Recap provided. We have no outstanding payables.
o Charley Bell had requested this meeting to discuss various charitable organizations which might be suitable for our support from otherwise dormant chapter funds.
Several were mentioned, including the Museum of the Vietnam War (Mineral Wells, TX), Vietnam War Archives at Texas Tech University, the new Quad-A chapter in Smyrna ("Volunteer Chapter"), Army Aviation Heritage Foundation, USO, F.L.I.G.H.T (a program to acquaint young people with aviation), and others.
It was moved, seconded, and approved to conduct further research on these and similar suitable organizations, and to decide how best to maximize our charitable giving at our next scheduled meeting, up to 100% of our available funds. (See below for explanation of the 100% level possibility.) All recipients of this e-mail are encourage to suggest other organizations, with supporting justification, to the secretary.
o Longevity of the chapter: It was moved, seconded, and approved to make a major recruitment/participation effort to all current, recent, or potential members and encourage a good turnout for the next meeting, which will include a BBQ, with spouses invited. The turnout will help determine whether or not to "continue to march" with the chapter or disband it. If it is disbanded, the 100% of the chapter funds will be donated to appropriate charitable organizations.
Next meeting: 1500hrs 13 Oct 07, exact location to be determined, but probably in Lebanon.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attendees then met at Pete's nearby hangar to view the progress on his TH-55A rebuild. Member Robert Colson has been spending three days per week working on the rebuild. New photos will be posted on the chapter website.
Respectfully submitted,

Ross Rainwater
ORWAC 70-24
C-1/9 Air Cav, 1st Cav, '70-'71
Secretary, Mid-South Chapter, VHPA

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