Mid-South Chapter, VHPA, Meeting Minutes, 17 Oct
(Next meeting: 1000 Hrs 14 Nov 98, Flight Operations BuildingAASF,
Smyrna Airport, Smyrna)
Attending: Charles Bell, Rick Roll, Mark Stuart, Rick Haines, Bob Fladry, Art Jacobs, Tom Williams, Tom Reeves, Mike Haley, and Ross Rainwater.
Meeting was called to order by Chapter President Charles Bell, who deferred to VHPA 1999 Reunion Chair Mike Haley for his update of the reunion planning.
Mike distributed a copy of the approved budget, which indicated that funding to make this an exceptional reunion is in place. He reported the HQ Hotel (Renaissance) is 73% sold out, with full sell-out expected no later than 1 Jan 99.
At least three major Reunion events will have absolute caps on the number who can be accommodated: Grand Ol' Opry (900 tickets for the first show Saturday night; second show would be "on your own"), Jack Daniels Tour (600 spaces on Friday), and the banquet (1,500 on Sunday night).
For the Jack Daniels tour, there will be two options, both including a tour of the distillery (which is NOT handicap accessible): (1) Tour of distillery, visit historic Lynchburg, barbecue; (2) Visit Lynchburg, box lunch, tour distillery. For those who would need handicap accessibility, there will be an option to view a film about the distillery rather than an actual physical tour (which requires visitors to negotiate numerous steps). Tour (1) will include considerable opportunities to sample Mr. Jack's finest with the meal; (2) does not. These were described as "wet" vs. "dry" options.
Mike showed a video of a country music group called "Tim Watson & Black Creek." Attendees voted unanimously to book them for Friday night's entertainment. Mike also has arranged for a DJ to play on Thursday night, as well as other times, for our dancing enjoyment. We anticipate about 900 to attend the picnic and static display on Saturday at the airfield in Smyrna (about 20 miles SE of Nashville), which will feature aircraft from TNARNG, 101st Airborne Division, and 160th Aviation Nightstalkers.
Regular reunion activities planning, such as for the golf tournament, 5K run, mini-reunions, etc., are proceeding on schedule. The Ladies Social, held at the same time as the business meeting, will include a tour of The Hermitage, home of President Andrew Jackson.
Mini-Reunion chair Rick Haines reported he has scheduled for requests from ARA, VHPA Florida Chapter, 48th AHC, 118th AHC,176th AHC, VHPA California Chapter, Sky Crane Pilots, C-1/9 Air Cav, and 4/4 Infantry. Rick will be posting a Mini-Reunion Request Form on our website.
Additional updates included reports on proposed Reunion favors, publicity, and vendor support.
At the conclusion of Mike's remarks, President Charles Bell moved to chapter business.
VP Tom Reeves reported the non-profit charter for the chapter has been finalized so that anything that was pending its approval may now go forward.
Secretary Ross Rainwater reported 19 paid memberships have been received (an additional two were received during the meeting from Art Jacobs and Tom Williams) from as far away as Virginia. He also reported that the website has had over 1,300 "hits" and has obviously become an important tool for providing timely information about the reunion and the chapter. Full details about the chapter's formation will be included in the next VHPA Newsletter. Ross and Rhea Rippey have agreed to provide newsletter updates and articles from the chapter.
Members-at-large Bob Fladry (Clarksville, TN) and Rick Roll (Chattanooga) reported efforts underway to increase recruiting activities in their respective areas.
It was agreed that between this and the next meeting, all members would be encouraged to conduct a max effort at spreading the word of the Mid-South Chapter's formation, including contacting other veterans organizations, local newspapers, marching in the upcoming Nashville Veterans Day parade, etc. We will man the VHPA booth at the AAAA ("Quad-A") meeting at Opryland Hotel in May, 1999 for additional recruiting for both the National and local VHPA.
At the '99 Reunion the chapter plans to be an official vendor, providing chapter shirts, hats, and other items to help fund its activities.
Meetings: At least initially, the chapter will have meetings 1000 hours the second Saturday of each month. For November, the meeting will again be at the Flight Operations Building, Army Aviation Support Facility, Smyrna Airport. For December, meeting location is tentatively set for the Fort Campbell area, with exact location to be determined after Bob Fladry is able to arrange for suitable space. After December, it is anticipated that many meetings will be held at the Reunion HQ hotel in order to familiarize ourselves with the property, in support of the Reunion. The chapter recommitted to being the catalyst to establishing as many other chapters in the area as could be supported by membership in those areas.
There being no other old or new business, the meeting was adjourned by President Bell.
Respectfully submitted,
Ross Rainwater, Secretary
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