Mid-South Chapter, VHPA, Meeting Minutes, 9 Oct 99
Meeting was called to order by Chapter President Charles Bell at 1100 hours 9 Oct 99 at the Big River Grille and Brewery in downtown Nashville. In addition to the meeting, attendees enjoyed an excellent lunch. Rumor had it that some of the establishment's ales were sampled but no eyewitnesses could be located . . . . (Photos below.)
Attending: Rick Haines, Rhea Rippey, Tom Williams, Bob Fladry, Jim Clark, Chris Horton, Charles Bell, Clifford McGee, Ken Culwell, and Ross Rainwater.
The customary self-introductions were made by all attendees so members could become better acquainted.
Minutes of the previous meeting were distributed, reviewed, and approved.
Treasurer Rhea Rippey reported chapter finances in excellent order after the Reunion, with all bills paid. Chapter will query national VHPA headquarters to confirm no further financial obligations to them for any reunion activities. [Post-meeting update: National VHPA HQ confirms no bills outstanding.]
Secretary Ross Rainwater reported 58 paid members (an increase of 4 since our last meeting). A membership roster was given to attendees. A list of those whose dues are due/overdue was distributed with two "overdues" settling up on the spot. Others now due:
8/99: Arnold Bailey, Chuck Bell, Bill Hartbarger, Tom Reeves, Rick Roll, Dave Shoop, and Whit Whitworth
9/99: Don Clayton, Gary Whitty, Larry Winters, Mel Wyatt
10/99: Art Jacobs, Mark Stuart (who has been transferred to CT), Tom Williams.
Dues are requested to be forwarded to Treasurer Rhea Rippey, PO Box 50093, Nashville, 37205.
(Due 11/99: Norman Cox, Joe Dickens, Joe Douglas, Charles Dyer, Fowler Goodowens, John McCurdy, and John Ohlinger.)
Old Business:
Smyrna Air Show, 11-12 Sept: We moved a considerable amount of leftover Reunion items from our tent/display, and signed up a new member, C. J. Percle, (percle@usit.net) from Clarksville.
Rhea Rippey gave an overview of marketing plans for chapter and Reunion items still available, including a substantial quantity of hats and mugs. (One problem discussed was that shipping charges for the mugs are substantial.)
Member ideas are solicited for long-term use of chapter resources, such as scholarships, speakers' bureau, support of the National Vietnam Museum, etc. Please bring your ideas to the next meeting or communicate them to someone who will attend (phone, fax, e-mail, etc.). Members were reminded that VHPA is a "last man" organization and the time is NOW to plan how we and our history will be remembered.
Operation Rocky Top: This first annual veterans' event will be held in Jackson, TN, 29-31 Oct at the Casey Jones Auditorium (I-40 Exit 82). Bob Mitchell and Charles Robertson have been working on this. Jim Clark volunteered during the meeting to attend. This would likely be another excellent venue to "get the word out" about VHPA, MSVHPA.
New Business
Chris Horton discussed a process by which the chapter could earn additional funds via being a source of realtor referrals. Deals closed could result in a finder's/referral fee to the chapter.
Nashville Veteran's Day Parade: Max turnout is requested for 11 Nov. Ken Culwell has a restored Jeep he will bring. As last year, we need to meet NLT 10:30 on Broadway, across from Jim Reed Chevrolet (just west of the I-265/Broadway exit). The parade kicks off promptly at 1100, takes about an hour, and can be a real inspiration for participants. Don't miss it!!
Next Meeting: 1100 hrs, 4 Dec 99, Blackhorse Pub and Brewery, 132 Franklin St., Clarksville, TN (931-552-3726). Take I-24 Exit 4 or 11 to downtown Clarksville, It is 1 block from what is left of the courthouse (courtesy of the tornado).
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
From front left, clockwise: Ross Rainwater, Rick Haines, Ken Culwell, Rhea Rippey Tom Williams, Bob Fladry, Jim Clark, Chris Horton, Cliff McGee, and Charles Bell |