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Mid-South Chapter, VHPA, Meeting Minutes 19 Jan 02

Meeting was called to order by Chapter President Charlie Bell at the Army Aviation Supoort Facility at the Smyrna Airport.

Attending were Vice President Tom Reeves, Treasurer Rhea Rippey, Secretary Ross Rainwater, Bob Fladry, Bill Hartbarger, Chris Horton, Rick Roll, George Neely, Mike Haley, Jim Clark, Ken Culwell, Jim Delvaux, Tom Williams, new member Danny Cox (who joined during the meeting), and visitor Dan Smeckle (guest of George Neely).

President Bell requested the attendees observe a period of silence in honor and support of those who currently protect our great country in the fight against terrorism, some of whom have already paid the supreme sacrifice.

As has been the custom, attendees gave brief self-introductions of their RVN service and current status. Member Tom Williams announced he was transferring to Virginia, so this would be his last meeting. He will be missed. (Two days after the meeting, the secretary received an e-mail from member Larry Winters, who reports he has been transferred to Wisconsin.)

Previous meeting minutes were distributed and approved.

Treasurer Rippey reports chapter finances in good order, with $2,832.15 cash in bank, and $3,536.89 split between a Cash Reserve Account and a T. Rowe Price Growth Mutual Fund. Only payable is the $20 Annual Registration filing fee for our tax-exempt status.

Secretary Rainwater distributed membership lists. During the meeting, several members became current with their dues, to include new life members Jim Clark, Bill Hartbarger, and Chris Horton. Dues continue to be $10 per year, or $100 for a lifetime membership.


o Membership Cards for Life Members. This is still a work-in-progess, but we should have this completed soon.

o Veterans Day Parade. Members who marched in the parade agreed it was a perfect day, with a truly amazing turnout of well-wishers. President Charlie Bell reported it was he who flew the single Blackhawk overhead, making two passes down the parade route.

o Chapter merchandise. Another "work-in-progress," Rhea Rippey and Ken Culwell will coordinate final pickup from Clarksville.

o Chapter History. Chapter Historian Chris Horton has a goal of documenting the military service and related history of our membership. Chris distributed a "fill in the blanks" form which members are free to use in support of this effort if they prefer not to start with a blank sheet of paper. (Click here for a copy of the form.) Members are encouraged to complete a history and provide "before" and "after" photos to accompany the written history. At our next meeting, Chris will be prepared to photograph "after" photos of those who need one. "Before" photos can be scanned, with the originals returned.

Since the VHPA is a "last man" organization, it is important for all of us to make sure our story is told, and told accurately. The "last man" of our chapter would be encouraged to find a suitable repository for the history we preserve through this effort. In addition, it may be possible to provide copies for members to pass on to their own families.

o Publicity. Secretary Rainwater again mentioned the positive impact a designated Publicity Chairman could have on expanding the chapter's visibility. (After the meeting, George Neely expressed an interest in seeing what he could do. Secretary Rainwater will provide him with materials such as contacts, e-mail addresses, fax numbers, etc., of various media outlets, which have been accumulated.)

o Display Aircraft. Vice President Reeves reiterated the benefits of the chapter obtaining a Vietnam-era helicopter for display, recruiting, and education. It was generally agreed that an OH-6 came with the least logistical headaches and should be the initial goal. Bob Fladry, member-at-large from Clarksville, reported several OH-6's would soon be deactivated at Ft. Campbell.

A committee comprised of VP Reeves, Rick Roll (member-at-large from Chattanooga), and Bob Fladry was created to pursue this goal. Rick brings extensive experience from the effort of the VVA in Chattanooga which obtained "Blue Star 786," a Huey now on pedestal display in Soddy Daisy (see dedication photos' link off our home page).


o Quad-A Conference. Slated for 11-15 May 02, chapter members are encouraged to volunteer to help with the VHPA booth. Treasurer Rhea Rippey volunteered to be coordinator. Please contact him if you'd like to help. For details of the conference, see the Quad-A website.

o Week of Eagles, Ft. Campbell. This occurs a few weeks after the Quad-A conference. Bob Fladry will provide details as they become available. In past years, this has been a good recruiting opportunity for the chapter.

o Election of New President. President Charles Bell, facing increased demands in his role as a full-time National Guard Technician in support of various anti-terrorism activities, tendered his resignation as president. Charles expressed some personal concern he had not been able to support the chapter as was needed, but chapter members were quick to assure him no one felt that to have been the case.

Charles' loyal service and leadership as the first Chapter President was acknowledged by one and all with a long round of applause, and additional personal comments by members after the meeting.

After general discussions as to what was needed in a good president, Ken Culwell, who had earlier expressed a willingness to accept a leadership role, agreed to have his name placed in nomination for a two-year term. There being no other nominations, he was elected by acclamation.

o Next Meeting:  Tentatively scheduled for sometime in March, possibly in the Fort Campbell area.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Ross Rainwater
ORWAC 70-24
C-1/9 Air Cav, 1st Cav, '70-'71
Secretary, Mid-South Chapter, VHPA