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Mid-South Chapter, VHPA, Meeting Minutes, 14 Nov 98
(Next meeting: 1100 Hrs 12 Dec 98, American Legion Post 233, Oak Grove, KY)

Attending:  Charles Bell, Mark Stuart, Bob Fladry, Tom Reeves,  Rhea Rippey, Jim Delvaux, Joe Dickens, Dan Lindsey, Gerald Ragland, Isaac Garner, Bill Hartbarger, and Ross Rainwater.

Meeting was called to order by Chapter President Charles Bell.

Officer/Member Reports

Vice President Tom Reeves updated the chapter on ongoing recruiting efforts.

Treasurer Rhea Rippey reported chapter finances are now in good order with the addition of monies from the golf tournament.

Secretary Ross Rainwater reported 22 paid memberships (an additional two were received during the meeting). Our website continues to have extensive activity, with the "hits" counter well over 1,600. We have requested vendor status for the '99 VHPA Reunion.

Member-at-large Bob Fladry (Clarksville, TN) is distributing flyers in his area to increase membership, continues to coordinate with Fort Campbell officials on behalf of the VHPA '99 Reunion, and has arranged for a December meeting location (details below). If we would like, a private tour of the 101st Airborne Museum could be arranged.

Member-at-large Jim Delvaux has been successful in getting 4-times-per-week mention in the Cookeville paper about the formation of the Mid-South Chapter. He reports minimal response so far. He will also be seeking Public Service Announcements on local radio.

Member-at-large Rick Roll (Chattanooga) reported by e-mail he will be on local TV on December 11 to provide local and national VHPA coverage.

Rick Haines, Mini-Reunion chair for the '99 VHPA Reunion, reported by phone that he has arranged for over 15 group mini-reunions.

Mark Stuart presented the new chapter banner, which was recently used in the Nashville Veterans Day Parade (displayed by Bob Fladry, Tom Reeves, Rhea Rippey, and Ross Rainwater as they marched). At 10' x 3', it will be an important addition to our recruiting efforts at appropriate events (such as at TNARNG Convention and AAAA next year) since it is so highly visible. (To see it, go to our website.)

General Discussion Topics

Fund Raising: Mark Stuart has made contact with vendors who could produce t-shirts, hats, etc., which could be part of our ongoing fund-raising on behalf of Chapter projects.

Chapter Mission: Tom Reeves emphasized the need for the chapter to develop projects that could enable us to gain support from various  philanthropic foundations. Among those mentioned:  A Speakers Bureau to provide persons to discuss various military topics, ROTC/JROTC support, and scholarships. This topic was tabled in order to give members an opportunity to think about this important function and be prepared to discuss it next month.

Chapter Newsletter: Tabled pending increased membership.

Recruiting: Bob Fladry obtained and distributed an updated TN/KY member/prospect list from VHPA Headquarters, noting that there were over 200 VHPA members in TN alone, not counting large numbers of non-members; KY also has large numbers of members and prospects. Attendees were encouraged to return to their areas and contact as many people as possible. Chapter authorized the secretary to mail postcards as necessary to continue the notification process to those outside local contact coverage. Rhea Rippey will develop a prototype bumper sticker for chapter review.

Meetings: Standard meeting time will be 1000 hours the second Saturday of each month. For December, however, the meeting will be at 1100 hrs. at the American Legion Post 233, Oak Grove, KY, due to extra travel time involved. Beginning in January, most meetings with be at the VHPA Reunion '99 HQ Hotel, Renaissance, Nashville (which has been reported by Reunion Chair Mike Haley to be sold out).

December location information: 2.5 miles south of I-24 exit 86 (KY) on Hwy 41A, which is 1/2 mile north of Gate 6, Fort Campbell, in Oak Grove, KY.

There being no other old or new business, the meeting was adjourned by President Bell.

Respectfully submitted,

Ross Rainwater, Secretary