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Mid-South Chapter, VHPA, Meeting Minutes for 1300 26 Feb 00, Jackson, TN. (Link to Photos)

Attending:  Charles Bell, Chuck Bell, Bob Fladry, Art Jacobs, Cliff McGee, Ross Rainwater, Tom Reeves, Rhea Rippey, Charles Robertson, Danny Spitzer, and Mark Wood.

Meeting OIC Charles Robertson welcomed attendees as they arrived at Best Western Old Hickory Inn, where Charles had arranged for meeting space.

Meeting was called to order by President Charles Bell. Previous meeting minutes were distributed by Secretary Ross Rainwater and accepted as written. Secretary reported 60 total members, although some have membership dues past due.

Treasurer Rhea Rippey reported chapter finances in good order with no outstanding payables.

Old Business

Tax-Exempt Status: Vice President Tom Reeves confirmed the IRS has received our $150 filing fee for 501(c)(3) status.

Chapter Finances: After a general discussion, it was moved and seconded to invest approximately 83% of chapter monies as follows: 40% (of the 83% total) in CD/Money Market funds (6-12 month maturity), 40% in an S&P 500 Index Fund, and 20% in a Science & Technology Fund. Recommendations for such funds to be made by the Finance Committee. The remainder of chapter funds would be placed in an interest-bearing check-writing account.

Member Art Jacobs was appointed by President Bell to the Finance Committee, joining prior members Tom Reeves, Ken Culwell, and Bob Fladry. (Chapter President and Treasurer are ex-officio members.)

Recruiting Opportunities: Fort Campbell's "Week Of Eagles" 6-10 June, and upcoming air shows in Knoxville and Chattanooga were confirmed as suitable venues for the chapter to have a display. (Member Charles Robertson will investigate whether or not the MIA flag is copyrighted, since it is always suitable for such occasions.)

Mini-Bios: Member Chris Horton volunteered at the last meeting to assemble a booklet of member biographies. Attendees were reminded to get this information to Chris.

New Business

Chapter Life Memberships: It was moved, seconded, and approved to establish a Chapter Life Membership for $100. Immediate response: Cliff McGee, Mark Wood, Charles Robertson, and Art Jacobs. We will follow the National HQ method of placing an "L" in front of Life Members' chapter numbers and an "M" for regular members.

Lapsed Memberships: Members with dues in arrears 90 days from their annual renewal date will be reported to VP Tom Reeves (OIC, Membership), who will call them to encourage a "re-up."

Chapter Constitution and Bylaws: National HQ requests modification of some wording in our C&B in order to insure compliance with the stated goal of VHPA being non-political. President Bell is now in contact with HQ via e-mail, requesting specific guidance as to wording changes.

Recognition Certificate: VP Tom Reeves suggested the chapter develop a "Friends of MSVHPA" certificate which could be presented to those to whom the chapter would like to extend appreciation and thanks. Rhea Rippey will take the lead on this project, with an objective of having examples by the next meeting.

Additional Banner: Bob Fladry will investigate a smaller banner for chapter use. Our current banner may be too large for some display opportunities.

Errors & Omissions: VP Tom Reeves reported non-profit organization officers are protected by TN state law, but this has not been tested in court. He will continue to review chapter E&O insurance needs, if any.

Next Meeting:  20 May 00, Nashville. Location To Be Determined.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned in favor of general "war stories" time, adult beverages, and later, a cross-country to Brooksie's Barn, where we enjoyed all-you-can-eat barbecue with all the fixins'.

Respectfully submitted,

Ross Rainwater, Secretary.