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Mid-South Chapter, VHPA, Meeting Minutes 29 Jun 02


Meeting was called to order by Chapter President Ken Culwell in the meeting room at the Blackhorse Brewery in Clarksville, TN.

Attending were members Danny Cox, Jim Clark, Pat Dyer, Bob Fladry, Bob Young, Ross Rainwater, and guests Leroy Rutherford and George Van Riper (with his OW "Original Wife," accompanied by Ken's wife Jan).

As has been the custom, attendees gave brief self-introductions of their RVN service and current status.

President Culwell then introduced his old friend and our guest speaker, George Van Riper, who presented an overview of the State of Army Aviation. George is a Master Army Aviator and VHPA Life Member, who currently works for Aviation Test Directorate. He revealed Ken Culwell's pre-meeting guidance: "Use lots of pictures, use LARGE BOLD print, speak loud (most of  them are deaf), and a little profanity was okay."

He provided a hardcopy version of a Power Point presentation that showed the evolution of aviation development commands over the years, as well as insights as to where Army Aviation is going. George feels the NCO and WO corps is in good shape, but that the RLO ranks suffer from some careerism.

In appreciation for his presentation, George was presented with a chapter t-shirt.

After George's remarks, the attendees ordered lunch. The manager of the Blackhorse "bought a round" for those desiring a beer with their meal. Several accepted the offer.


Previous meeting minutes were distributed and approved. (All meeting minutes are posted on chapter website.)

Treasurer Rhea Rippey (attending VHPA Reunion in Las Vegas) sent a report on chapter finances, confirming they continue to be in good order. No known payables.

Secretary Rainwater distributed membership lists. During the meeting, several members became current with their dues, to include newcomer and newest life member Bob Young (OH-13, C-1/9 1st tour; OH-6, 7/17 2nd tour). Dues continue to be $10 per year, or $100 for a lifetime membership.


o Chapter History. Secretary Rainwater reminded members that Chapter Historian Chris Horton has a goal of documenting the military service and related history of our membership. Rainwater distributed Chris's "fill in the blanks" form which members are free to use in support of this effort if they prefer not to start with a blank sheet of paper. (Click here for a copy of the form.)

Members are encouraged to complete a history and provide "before" and "after" photos to accompany the written history.

o Quad A Conference. Thanks to support from chapter members, 3 new members were signed up at the Nashville conference held in May. The chapter incurred no expenses and had a near-perfect location for visibility and recruiting for both the chapter and national VHPA.

o Life Membership Cards. These were distributed since the last meeting.

o Display Aircraft. Bob Fladry reported he continues to keep our chapter's request in front of the appropriate resources as Ft. Campbell and elsewhere.


o Smyrna Air Show. Cancelled last year due to the 9/11 terrorism, this event is expected to return this year, giving the chapter another good opportunity for visibility and recruiting. We will seek to cooordinate chapter participation through chapter member Charles Bell, a National Guard Technician in Smyrna.

o "Blackhawk Down" Meeting.

Member Bob Fladry was a "little bird" pilot in this 1993 action in Mogadishu. Ken Culwell was the last US military attache there before circumstances necessitated evacuation by all such personnel. With such "up close and personal" perspectives, Bob and Ken agreed to present their observations at our next meeting (date and location TBD). Bob knows another "Blackhawk Down" pilot, who has agreed to be a part of this meeting as well. There has been a television documentary on this action, which might be shown at the meeting.

(Bob reported he was also scheduled to fly an MH-6 of the 160th SOAR to VHPA, Las Vegas!)

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Ross Rainwater
ORWAC 70-24
C-1/9 Air Cav, 1st Cav, '70-'71
Secretary, Mid-South Chapter, VHPA