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Welcome To The Pooka's Glen!

the latest from Das Pooka

Greetings dear travelers...
Come rest from the rigors of this busy world. Come relax, learn what it is to be a child again. Stretch out with your imagination. You see, there is a much larger world than the one most of us know of. A secret world that runs alongside our own. Most of the time, we don't know of it's existence, although occasionally we feel the trickling effects of that world as it seeps into our own. Other times we catch glimpses of it as we sleep. But always it is fleeting, for we are far too grounded in reality to fully grasp this strange place. A very few however, are able to see this realm. This page is brought to you by their stories. Their countless tales and visions and dreams of the place just over the rainbow....beyond imagination.
"I love Mina!"-pookacat!

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