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Me on the water at 40 M.P.H.
Question and Answers of bare footing.
How do you get up? Well it is not that hard I found out. I start on a knee board that get pulled up to around 40mph then lightly put your feet in
Is it really fun? I think that it is fun the next day you hurt everywhere, but I am not that good yet so it can only get better.
Does it hurt when you hit the water? Hitting the water at 40+mph is not the best thing for the body. The next day I can hardly move my neck and back. The main reason is that at that speed you don't sink you skip across the top of the water.
Why try? to show off to everyone that you can and they are to chicken to try. Also it was the next step in water sports for me!
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Getting started
Ready for the ride.
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Put the feet down
Now getting up
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Now skiing along
Hitting the water
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