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Is there a connection?

bizarre, Strange, coincident...?

What do you  think?.. 
I would like to hear others views on what I have discovered.

After Christy's death,  David Gatchell, who along with the Victims' Rights Coalition tried in every way to help our family get justice.  They too, were appalled at the small town corrupt judicial system.  David sent me information on another case in our rural community that was sickening. ( Before Christy's death ) It was about a teenage boy, Tim Burlison, who was murdered by the police and there was a cover up. Reporters from out of town got on the case and reveled the truth.  While reading the article, an abrupt chill ran down my spine. (1.) I realized it was Tim's sister that Christy was with that Saturday night and Eric and Daniel were suppose to take her to Kim Burlison's home. ( She had her own home) (2.)Then a year after Christy's death, Tim's brother ran out of gas and when he raised the hood of his car, the car exploded and he was killed???? Just a freak accident was the report.  I talked with  members of the Burilson family, and a sister told me that her mother had left the family when she was only five years old and the children had been raised by their alcoholic father, who received a settlement from the county if he would not pursue the matter of Tim's death and let it drop. ( after the cover up was exposed ) Is this like the Kennedy curse or is there a connection here.  Dr. Harland also did the autopsy on Tim, and his report as to cause of death was later proved to be false, just as we knew his report on Christy was wrong. He ruled that there was no foul play in either death. His autopsy report on Tim Burlison states.. (Dr. Harlan, pathologist who performed the autopsy, reported that Burlison had died of asphyxiation after choking on his own vomit. Harlan also stated there was no sign of a beating or rough treatment by the Sheriff's Department.) I wish we had known forensic pathologist who could have reviewed her case as they did Tim's.  Our family wanted to bring a wrongful death suit against Daniel and Eric, but no lawyer would take our case as they were not wealthy.   We were not interested in money, but they would HAVE to take the witness stand and answer the questions asked about that night. We wanted answers, not money.  Naturally, the lawyers wanted money and since the men were not rich, no lawyer was interested in taking the case .  It's a distressing fact that in the USA justice is bought or more accurately money is the deciding factor in many cases.  The Burlison family gave me the original photo's of Tim, and they are worse to view in color than the ones you will view in black and white.  Just as the ones of Christy are.  Click below to see the reports from pathologists and how they differ from Dr. Harland's autopsy report, and prove him a liar and shows he is always for the officials, to the point of giving dishonest statements and reports of his findings. At least he did have the decency to admit no drugs were found in their system except alcohol.  Please let me know if you think there could be a possible link in the deaths of these three teenagers. Tim, Christy and Tim's brother, who had the freak accident of his car exploding !!!  Please note the photo's showing how the handcuffs cut both this youths wrist. It was also reported later that the youth could not expel the vomit because he had duct tape over his mouth. !!!  Please read how both pathologist findings are complete opposite from Dr. Harland's, and prove Tim died a violent death from a brutal beating and although he DID die from asphyxiation, he would have probably died from his injuries anyway.  After reading the reports and viewing the photo's you will have no doubts of what this teen endured in the last moments of his young life.  Another case of political corruption in Lewis County. "I do want to say that the city police do a great job and even many of the deputy's and others in the sheriff's department are good  people and several have encouraged me to not give up.  Some would like to speak out, but can't for fear of losing their jobs. One former State Trooper sent me an email after viewing this site, saying he remembered Christy's case well and many of the town's officers talked privately among themselves of the cover up. He stated that I had correctly given a truthful account of events and reminded me that murder is a crime that is never closed and encouraged me to continue in my fight for justice for Christy. "

Be aware the photo's of Tim are not for the fainthearted.
Viewer discretion  is advised and not suitable viewing for
young children.  Hopefully though, teens can benefit by 
learning from these cases the danger of alcohol as well as 
other drugs can end in death and  misery for their families. 

The Murder of Tim

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