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You'll always be eighteen to me,
in heaven you never grow old.
The picture above is what I see,
It's the image of you I hold.

It's been ten years ago today
But it doesn't seem that long
since  God took you far away
to live in  his heavenly home.

How I miss your  beautiful smile
And that funny laugh you had
I wish there was a phone to dial
that happy place you live, so bad.

I know you make the angels laugh
just as you did us here on earth
as you walk down a different path
that lets you stay eighteen from birth.

If you should see your grand-dad
tell him all  his kids and I say hi !
His leaving made all of us so sad.
but we will  see you both by and by. 

Goodbye for now, my precious one,
I'll write again to you, another time
or see you when my race is done
Although, I'm old, I know you won't mind.

Love Grandmother