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~Barbie Doll~

Christy's Web Site would not be complete with out a  word about Barbie. She was Christy's younger brother, Ted's girlfriend, and later his wife.  There was only a year and one week difference in Christy's and Ted's age. Naturally they were very close since there were no other siblings to argue, love or fight with.

It is rare for someone so young, to be so mature and wise as Barbie was at  seventeen. No one could think of calling her Barbara as Barbie fit her perfectly.The Barbie doll might be older, but Barbie looked just like her, with long blonde hair and delicate features, and such a tiny body. She was a Barbie doll.

The reason Barbie is so important to me and my family is because she was there when we needed her. She just seem to know when Christy's mom was having a bad day, (which was everyday those first few years) If she couldn't find my daughter (Christy's mom) at home, she rushed to the cemetary, and finding my daughter there, she would sit for hours, in the boiling hot sun, or in the freezing cold, she held her and cried with her. She always seemed to know the right thing to say and do.

She was there for me too, she sat many days or nights and let me talk about Christy, and we looked at pictures, and cried together. Naturally, she had to comfort Ted throughout that time too. It was as though her mission was to help this family try to heal, and to comfort us in our sorrow and grief.

Barbie and Ted  married too young and it didn't last, She moved far away a year ago, but she has never failed to call when she has that "feeling" that we are having a bad day. She is always right too.We still find flowers on Christy's grave, with a card reading "Barbie".

We know and realize that someday she may remarry, or the calls might not come as often, or maybe not at all as years go by. But Barbie will always have a place in our hearts. I know we will always   know where she is and how she is doing, and we wish her all the happiness in the world, because she means so much to us for so many reasons. We treasure the years she was with our family, and wish her the best life has to offer. If you ever read this..Thank you Barbie for being you. Christy is our angel in heaven, and you are our earth angel.

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