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My Granddaughter was Missing

A child missing, is a nightmare
for any family to endure. My heart goes out to
those who have missing loved ones. I pray for
their safe return. Most parents with teenage
children know their habits, friends, and favorite
places to hang out or visit. if our child is of
age to leave the nest and choose not to, our
heart and mind knows something is terribly wrong
when they can not be located.
When we learned Christy had not arrived at
her friends home, we started calling all
her friends. Mixed with our fear was hope that
she was somewhere safe and denial that foul play
had befallen her. This was a small, rural
community, but crime was not
Unheard of in this county.

Christy had called me late Saturday afternoon. We
talked for over an hour. We made plans to meet on
Monday. Now Monday had arrived and I was still on
the phone calling her friends, who by now were also
worried and placing calls to each other. All, it seemed,
had last seen or spoken with her on Saturday. I advised
my daughter to go on to work. To sit at home would be
admitting the worse. Her third call to me from work
she stated she was going to the police and demand
they talk to the boys who, she had learned, had
given Christy a ride to her friends.Christy had been missing
thirty two hours and she wasn't waiting seventy two hours.
Thirty minutes later I received a call that Christy had been
My worse nightmare had become a reality.

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