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Good Morning Little Fawn


Living in the country has it's advantages if  You are an animal lover. The woods surrounding Christy's home  gave her the opportunity to learn about animals and view nature The little fawn was orphaned  when the mother was hit by a motorist. It was returned to the wild in the proper fashion. ( a deer can not be returned to the wild after it has been raised by humans as it will not fear them and be easy prey to be shot by hunters)


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Good Morning Little Fawn

I used to tell Christy she reminded me of Ellie Mae, of the Beverly Hillbillies. She either found the little orphan's or they found her. There was always baby squirrels running to her, or Raccoons. Once she found a baby fox, whose mother had been killed. I  videotaped her on my camcorder on an overnight visit. The little fox was snuggled in her Arms and both were sleeping. It was the size of a kitten or small puppy.  We know that Christy did not die where she was found, The well trained grown dogs would have laid beside her and kept her warm. Her body was placed there later.


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A Kiss For Mr. Snowman
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Letter  From Home.
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Political Corruption
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