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Memories of you
are precious and dear
Mementos' to view
To hold you near

Each and every day
We think of you
Still sunny and gay
And laughing too.


A kiss for Mr. Snowman

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I made this picture of Christy kissing the snowman she built
into a snow applet, but for some reason it would not work on
this site. Below is a link to my applets on my personal web
site. You can click on the link to view this picture as an applet.
I also have her last school photo taken a few months before
her death, done there as a Lake applet. The proofs were still
in her purse and were found and developed after her death.
(I hate using that word)

Please use your back button to return here if you take the link to the Snow or Lake Applet.

Link to Snow Applet The Journey      A Poem Christy's Homepage
Link to Lake Applet Letter From Home Poem Victims' Victimized
Back To Homepage Political Corruption Christy's Guestbook

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Sammy Lane Sharp.

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