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White Wolf's Medicine Page

Reasons to Dance

After a conversation with Little Wing/ Bettie Bresettee on ICQ, I realized several things. Thank you Little Wing for showing me this pathway.

First the most sacred day of the year both for Grandmother's people and most of the Native People of North America is the start of the New Year on the Winter Soltice.

Second that the Thanksgiving had as its purpose, to heal and renew the Earth. To heal and renew our connection with Mother and all of her children.

Third that I could base my own healing of the Earth on the most famous of the healing dances, without sharing the rituals and religion of any one tribe. Nor would the dance belong to me but to the many who have walked our pathway before us.

Fourth that the whole world is in trouble and needs healing. Not just North America and the

Native People here but also the people, animals, plants and all of Mother Earth's children all over her sacred body.

Fifth that All My Relations does not mean all except the white, black, yellow, purple or other peoples. It means all of Mother Earth's children. Also that to do the most good, the dance needs to be performed throughout Mother Earth by peoples of every clan, tribe and nation. Not only that but that the songs, chants and prayers used by those people have to be meaningful to them. Thus each person needs to use prayer, song, chant or whatever, from the people and culture they come from. The purpose of the songs and prayers is to Heal Mother Earth and renew your own connection as a part of nature not as an owner manipulator but as part of the Creation. To give honor to our ancestors without whom we would not be here. To honor our commitment to the next seven generations, who deserve as much as we to enjoy Mothers beauty.

Sixth, that each group dancing has to dance upon sacred ground. For the tribes of North America this isn't a problem, for they have such dance grounds available. However most people do not have true sacred ground to hold a dance upon. So I must share a way for peoples to create such a place where they are. For this I will use a modified Medicine Wheel intended as a connection between people and Mother Earth. Anyone needing this will find it on my web pages at or may contact me by e-mail at whitwolf@usit net or telephone me at (423) 636-3745. I hope people from everywhere join in this dance.

Seventh, that the dance needs to be ongoing, not just a one-time thing but conducted on a regular basis and often. For this I will conduct/participate in the dance at least once a month wherever I am with as many people as I am able to. I will also send directions on conducting this dance to anyone who want's to join in this. May our efforts touch the Earth Mother and all our relations?


Robert Smith

White Wolf


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