Children of the Corn 666:Isaac's Return:(1999) On a trip to Nebraska to search for her birth mother, Hannah Martin, gives a stranger a ride who foreshadows her life with a passage from the Bible. When she reaches the small town of Gatlin, her plans to discover her past are thwarted by several of the town's residents including her biological mother. They are intent on keeping the sins of the Gatlin history.
Another one of these GORE bash of trills,shills & screams.When Hannah is returning to 'Gatlin' to find her mother she is haunted by no other than 'He Who Walks Behind The Rows' as he scares her with dead crows and 3 ghostly kids lurking from the corn feilds.Hannah returning to Gatlin wakes Isaac from has coma he has been in since the 1st COTC,when he wakes up he makes plans to fulfill a prophecy to make new soldiers for 'He Who Walks Behind The Rows'.It sounds pretty freaky to me I cant wait.Coming soon to video stores everywhere!
Actor John Franklin returns to the series for the first time since the original "Children of the Corn," recreating the role of Isaac, the boy preacher and giver of the word for "He Who Walks Behind The Rows." As an actor John has also protrayed "Cousin It" in the two Addams Family movies and appears in film "Wag The Dog." He is also one of the writers on this film...
Watch for this in october!!!
The Review
Awesome!Better than any of the sequels.Finally a sequel that lives up to the first!Isaac was 6 times better!You can tell this one had the biggest budget,and Isaac's voice has finally deepend!It just kinda pissed me off when He who walks behind the Rows wond up being Hannah's boyfriend,then he goes and makes Isaac do this little dance then throws a brocken peace of wood through Isaac's heart!I was also surprized to see that Rachel came back all grown up from the first one!Well I am very pleased with this sequel.We can only hope for a 7!I'd give it 5 stars.(Nick)(thanks to cotc 2000)
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