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Voodoo, which iz properly called Vodou  or Vodoun iz a fairly new religion.  It iz a mixture of da African "Yoruba" religion an Catholicism (the Catholic church).  Black slaves were brought over from da western parts of Africa by da British ta work in Haiti.  They were forbidden ta worship their native Yoruba gods and were forced ta adopt da ideas of da Catholic faith.  What evolved of course, wuz a mixture of da 2 faiths inta what we now call Voodoo. Or more properly, "Vodou" or "Vodoun". When someone thinks bout Voodoo, dark images come to mind such az evil chanting and little dolls resembling certain people.  Dolls with pins stuck in their heads causing people in the street to drop dead wit a brain embolism.  While these things are certainly true bout da Voodoo faith.  They are not very common.  Of da fifty million people worldwide who subscribe 2 da Voodoo faith, very few of dem practice black magic.  Further, not all Voodoo denominations include the black magic in their faith, much less use it. A typical Voodoo church would proceed az follows.  First we have da Voodoo community, the "societe'", which iz like da members of a small church, which haz perhaps ten ta one hundred members.  The members gather in a room known as a "hounfort", which iz a room with a pe', which iz an alter, much like in a typical church.  Some of these Voodoo church members have specific roles and titles within da church.  At da top of da hierarchy iz da "houngan", da high priest of the church.  If this Voodoo church practices black magic, this high priest iz known az da "bokor".  If da houngan iz a female, she iz known az a "mambo".  Below dis position iz da "houngenikon". Dis person iz da assistant 2 da houngan or mambo.  Their job iz ta assist in rituals an lead da  ritual chanting datt takez place during da Voodoo ritual.  Below datt iz da "hounsi canzo" which iz a fully initiated member who haz underwent da "canzo" initiation which iz an intense ordeal by fire.  Below dem are da hounsi canzo's in training known az da "hounsi bossale".  Next, an perhaps @ da bottom would be da plain vanilla "hounsi".  There are more den one type of hounsi though.  We have da hounsi dat procures da animal sacrifice, known az da "hounsi ventailleur".  Also der iz the hounsi dat cooks da animal after it haz been sacrificed, known az da "hounsi cusiniere". Da members of da Voodoo faith worship a set of African gods known az da "Loa" They believe dat da Loa are active all over da earth and dat everything they do serves da Loa. Da home of da Loa iz in an African kingdom known az "Dahomey".  Da members of da Voodoo church, or da "societe'" give sacrifices 2 da Loa an entreat da Loa ta help dem in matters of life or matters of death. One very interesting thang dat da Voodoo church duz iz Zombification, "turning people inta zombies". Da bokor, da high priest of black magic in da Voodoo church, finds someone dat he does not like very much(da peepz i could find hehe) and poisons dem wit a very deadly poison made out of toad skin, poisonous plants an seeds, tarantulas, and puffer fish.  It's easy 4 da bokor ta poison da person because all he haz ta do iz touch em.  Da poison iz so powerful dat it can kill you jus by soaking through yo skin.  Afta da person iz dead, da bokor digz him up and administers a powerful drug to da dead man which turns him into a zombie.  They are den used by da bokor az slaves for farm work ect.  When da bokor is done with them he gives the zombie salt, which causes the zombie ta return 2 it'z grave. Anutha thang da bokor can do iz ta throw three pennies an some rum on the grave of a freshly dead person. Dis bringz out da "tibonage", a certain part of the soul of da dead. Da bokor makes it a sort of zombie ghost dat the bokor can use ta posses da body of one of hiz enemies or command it do all otha manner of evil deeds. Anutha evil thing dat da bokor does is to create an "ouanga" which iz an object dat iz possessed by an evil spirit called a "baka".  Once dis object iz possessed by da evil spirit, it can do all kindz of bad things for the bokor. In one instance it could be sumpthin like a necklace, which if worn by an enemy would cause him ta choke ta death.  Or da object could be a doll dat iz sent out to kill an enemy in hiz sleep. Thanx ta ma cuzin Shaunte fo helping me outt wit dis.

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