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Our Pet Gallery

This is Buster and Bear. Buster is a White Male Shepard. He was born 21 Feb 97 and was a wedding present to us. He is about a can shy of a six-pack Bear is a Male Shepard/Chow mix. He was borned Feb 1st 97. He is the smart one of the two most of the times. We recently adopted a female Beagle and named her Reba (u can guess after who) She was born in Mar 98.




This is Squirt and Spaz. Both are male tabbys I guess. (I do know that they are I don't know that much about cats. Spaz will not be with us too much longer, we found out he has Feline Lukemia (end of June) He will progressively get worse so we will keep him until he starts to show signs of pain and discomfort. They are about the same age , born in May 97.


May 1997 - 5 November 1998

Squirt is a Kitty Angel now watching over us..

Squirt was hit and killed by a car November the 5th. We will miss you dearly Squirt and you will forever live in our hearts and our memories.
Go with God our beloved family member.

Squirt Squirt1

Spaz Spaz1


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