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Join the Keeper Sites Webring

To join you must have a site that is devoted to keeperships for a particular television show, character on a show or an actor/actress. As long as your site meets these qualifications you may apply to join the ring.

Submit site to The Keeper Sites Webring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

You are not a part of the ring yet. I will add you to the ring after you have done three (3) things:

1. Add the web ring code to your page. Just copy the code in the box below and paste it into your document. If your keeper site is part of another page you must have a link on that page to the page with the keeperships.
2. Save the picture to your own web page directory and make the necessary changes in the img src tag. The image should be in your web page directory.
3. Email to let me know you have added the code to your page.

If everything is like it should be I will add your site to the ring and notify you via e-mail.

Where it says "YOUR SITE ID" replace it with your site id that you were given.
Where it says "YOUR E-MAIL" replace it with your e-mail.
Where it says "YOUR NAME" replace it with your name.

It should look like this....

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This Keeper Sites Webring site is owned by YOUR NAME. Want to join?

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