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U.S. Model Production Figures

On 5th August 1991, Automobiles Peugeot S.A., France's largest car maker, announced it would no longer export cars to North America.
Peugeot's U.S. subsidiary, Peugeot Motors of America, remains in business to provide parts for existing cars.
The following list details the number of Peugeots sold in the U.S. from 1958 to 1992.

          YEAR           CARS SOLD                    COMMENTS

          1992             Info Not Avail.
                                                                 Only a handful of 1992 models
                                                                 were imported before Peugeot
                                                                 ceased exports to North America.

          1991                     2,223

          1990                     4,292              405 Sportswagon introduced
                                                                Last year for 505 Sedan

          1989                     6,095              405 Sedan introduced

          1988                     6,713

          1987                     9,422

          1986                     14,296

          1985                     15,636

          1984                     20,007              505 Wagon introduced
                                                                  Last year for 604 Sedan

          1983                     15,241              Last year for 504 Wagon

          1982                     14,323

          1981                     16,725              604 not imported this year

          1980                     12,930              505 Sedan introduced

          1979              Info Not Avail.
                                                                  Last year for 504 Sedan

          1978                     9,061

          1977                     10,295              604 Sedan introduced

          1976                     9,497

          1975                     11,850

          1974                     7,948              504 Diesel introduced

          1973                     4,010

          1972                     4,593              Last year for 304 Sedan and Wagon

          1971                     6,718              504 Wagon introduced
                                                               304 Sedan and Wagon introduced

          1970                     6,541              504 Sedan introduced
                                                               Last year for 404 Wagon

          1969                     2,681              Last year for 404 Sedan

          1968                     4,684

          1967                     3,594

          1966                     3,354

          1965                     2,541

          1964                     2,692           404 Wagon introduced

          1963                     2,446

          1962                     4,720           Last year for 403 Wagon

          1961                     3,229           404 Sedan introduced

                                                            1,502 unsold 403's were shipped
                                                            back to France. Presumably, once
                                                            the 404 came on the market, there
                                                            was little customer interest in the
                                                            older 403 design.

          1960                     11,373           403 Wagon introduced

          1959                     15,787

          1958                     6,867           403 Sedan introduced

NOTE: A handful of Peugeots were trickling into the U.S. before official importation by Peugeot, Inc. (later to become Peugeot Motors of America) began in April 1958.   Independent distributors included Vaughn Imported Cars, New York, N.Y. and The John L. Green Jr. Company, Los Angeles, CA.  The largest independent Peugeot importer, however, was Eastern Auto Distributors, Norfolk, VA.