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The Red Wizards of Thay

Edicts of the Red Wizards

Links of Importance

Original Red Wizards of Thay [Generation 1]
Guild Roster [2nd Generation RWoT]
Hall of Heroes/Hall of Infamy [2nd Generation of Red Wizards]
Crypt of the Damned [2nd Generation of Red Wizards]
Hall of Heroes/Hall of Infamy [3rd Generation of Red Wizards]
Hall of Infamy [Generation 3 continued]
Guild Conference Hall [Get pass from IRC]
Enemies of RWoT
Enter Our Terra.
The Great Encyclopedia Magica
The Etiquette of War
Old Battle Reports [Sometimes you just gotta reminisce...]
Generation 4 Roster

FULL WAR! Full war has began with IFP/WT/DPE/TC Enemies link has been updated. These people are average players at best. Teach them the error of thier ways. Gang counter everything from them. If you find a mage that is involved but not on the enemies list then tell Zazzz in irc.
