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Gifts/Awards given to me from Camelot Dreams members


I didn't know any other way to tell M'Lady Salina, how very much I appreciated all her time and hard work in training me, and helping me when the going got rough.

She was always there with a smile to
cheer me up when I got down. We shared alot in all those posts in
ICQ while she was training me, and I wanted to tell her,


she means so much to me, and I thank her, with lots of Love, hugs and wishes.



M'Lady Salina does so much for the Kingdom of Camelot behind the scenes, even putting her own personal pages and ideas for those pages on hold.

We just don't realize how much this lady does do for the subjects of Camelot.


So in appreciation of M'Lady Salina, I'd like to nominate her for an award, from the
Goddess of Goodwill.



I wish to have M'Lady Salina presented with a very special scroll for her extraordinary dedication to Camelot Dreams. We all have put alot into this group but I believe I can honestly say this gracious lady has given way more than many of us know or realize.

We have all come to depend on M'Lady Salina sometimes without even realizing how much. You don't see her much on the lists, but it is almost a given if you turn on your ICQ there she is.

If you have a problem we all (almost as a second nature) turn to this lady for advice or at least I know I do. I wanted to in some small way show my appreciation of her. I know this isn't much but it comes from my heart. Thank You M'Lady Salina for ALL that you do!



I received this as a Birthday gift from a friend in another group. I got quite a chuckle out of it and just had to put it here, since she made it because of my involvement with CD's! Thanks Jamie!




The original graphic used for the banner on this page is called "Arthurs2" and was created by a very talented artist, Beelzebulb. Please visit his site to see more of his wonderful art.


