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This is my Dad and my Grandma. He passed away just over a year ago from cancer. It came on him suddenly, and before we all knew it, he was gone from us. This was so hard for me to deal with and, still today, I sometimes find myself in tears... but, he too has gone to a better place.... and I pray to see him again someday.

Dad's passion was in many things. Fishing, camping, wrestling. We used to go camping in the summers and the memories I have are still so vivid of those times. Sometimes I find myself just sitting here and grinning as I think of some of the things that he would pull on us then. I find myself pulling some of the pranks on my own kids from time to time too! LOL

Dad was FANATIC about wrestling, and his all time favorite was Dick the Bruiser. If there was a "wrastlin'" match on the TV, then you can be sure that is where Dad would be.. didn't matter what else he was doing at the time, if it was an "important" match, he was there. He often attended live matches as well, when he could get there. He enjoyed taking us kids along sometimes too.. but we all learned one thing: DO NOT expect an answer from Dad during a match... he would be so focused on the match that he just could NOT hear you! LOL The following pic is for you, Dad....

Dick the Bruiser

As I mentioned on my Mother's page, some of the things that our parents' did and said DO seem to be a part of how we raise our kids. Many times I quote my Dad to them and other's actually. He had so many different expressions.... my fav is one that is used in the mornings to get people up.... "raise and shine all you sleepy heads... it's a beeeeeaaaauuuuttttiiiiffuuullll morning!!" Invariably we were woken up with Dad shouting this up the stairs or through the tent walls!!

I would like to pass on his sense of humor, and the caring that he possessed, even if he didn't like to show it... it embarassed him I believe. He would bluster and complain about things... but if you looked a bit closer... you could see the twinkle and mabbe, if you were lucky... a small twitch of a smile in the corner of his mouth. I really really miss my Dad.....



When Tomorrow Starts Without Me

When Tomorrow Starts Without Me And I'm not there to see, If the sun should rise and find your eyes All filled with tears for me; I wish so much you wouldn't cry The way you did today, While thinking of many things, We didn't get to say I know how much you love me As much as I love you And each time that you think of me I know you'll miss me too

But When Tomorrow Starts Without Me Please try to understand That an angel came and called my name And took me by the hand And said my place was ready In Heaven far above And that I'd have to leave behind All those I dearly love

But as I turned to walk away A tear fell from my eye For all my life, I'd always thought I didn't want to die I had so much to live for So much yet to do It seemed almost impossible That I was leaving you

I thought of all the yesterdays All the good and the bad I thought of all the love we shared And all the fun we had

If I could relive yesterday Just even for awhile I'd say goodbye and kiss you And maybe see you smile But then I fully realized That this could never be For emptiness and memories Would take the place of me

And when I thought of worldy things I might miss come tomorrow I thought of you and when I did My heart filled with sorrow

But when I walked thru Heavens gates I felt so much at home When God looked down and smiled at me From His golden throne He said: "This is eternity And all I've promised you Today for life on earth is past But here it starts anew I promise no tomorrow But today will always last And since each day's the same way There's no longing for the past

But you have been so faithful So trusting and true Though there were some times you did some things You knew you shouldn't do But you have been forgiven And now at last you're free So won't you take my hand And share my life with me?"

Author Unknown



I'm all grown up now, but I'm still your little girl... and always will be. You taught me right from wrong at a very young age. You taught me what it means to be a good person. I took my examples from you, and became someone that you and I can both be proud of.

I remember a time when I wanted to marry you. I knew then that I would never find another man as incredible as you. You always knew just how to make me laugh, just when to push me, and just when I needed to win.

I have my own daughter now, and I can only pray that I am able to teach her all the same values, and give to her the same unconditional love that you always gave to me. You are my superman, daddy, and even if I forget to tell you sometimes, I love you. And your butterfly kisses are still the BEST!

Author unknown


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