The interiors of the 525's were finished with teak veneer
plywood. The ceilings and fiberglass areas were painted with a very thick
paint called steeple paint. Over the years the interiors will require a
little repair or a complete restoration. This section of the site is to
address these issues by allowing you to check put what other 525 owners
have done. If you do a restoration, take some good pics and add your story
to the web for others to see. Take pride in your boat and efforts, after
all we are all members of an exclusive club, the Santana 525.
to Presto (lots of pics) updated 6-19-99
to Synergy ( lots of good pics) updated 11-24-98
V-Berth extender for tall folks who want a good night's sleep. ( Interior to Presto pics) updated 6-19-01