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When I sailed MORA out of San Francisco on RAMPAGE (Cal2-30) there were a few boats that were hard to beat. Come to find out Harry (Newport 2-30) was powered by Pineapples. Age and abuse (original chute) necessitated that I have my chute repaired, so off to Pineapple it goes. Two weeks later it arrived, looked good, flew good but  I only wish that they had replaced all of the nylon between the leach tapes. Pineapple's  successful experience is for medium and heavy air that almost always blows in the bay.   For a quote call Kame Richards at Pineapple.

For a light air sail needed in East Tennessee, I surfed the web and found National Sail Supply. Dirk was most help full and due to our local wind, light, very light and variable, recommended   1.5oz epoxy filled nylon material. PRESTO scoots and points a little higher than the other boats in our fleet in light air.The jib sheets are lead near to the rear of the outside track. National Sail Supply imports sails made by Rolly Tasker on Phucket Island south of Thailand. They use US made materials with lower labour rates to offer sails at a competitive price. Other members of our sailing club have purchased light air sails from Dirk with hopes of catching us. For those interesed in what they have to offer, Dirk put together a mainsail price list for our use. If you want it different than what you see, just ask.

I also had National Sail Supply make a storm jib(photo) for me. Dirk recommended basic concerns and constructions and I used a cad program to determine the jib lead point. The sail is about 66 sq.ft., luff=20', leach=14.75', foot=9.5'. The material is their almost glow in the dark orange, heavy dacron and tripple stitched. To tack, you just honk on the jib sheets hard and sail at about 35 deg. This sail has three sets of tell tails.

I came across another outlet for Rolly Tasker sails, Island Sails. I used their Email quote form and received an overnight response. My main is a little baggy so I wanted to find out if Santa could afford a main made to my ideals: Max roach with full length top 2 battens( battens not included due to shipping problems), one reef, cunningham, flattening reef, Insignia and numbers. I felt that the TRI-Radial cut would have longest life. Made from Challange Marblehead 7oz Dacron= $1,360 Made from Mylar Laminate $1,442. Peter warned that the mylar was optimum for performance, but the Dacron had the life( 2-4 yrs vs. 8+ yrs).Contact Peter at Email:

I have also contacted North Sails. They have been competitive in the One Design Arena. If they respond I'll add a link.

Quantum has done well with the J24's. There is a little difference between 525's and J24's, they were brought to market at about the same time with little difference in the sail plan.

I received a quote from DOYLE for a new Chute. They have "Tri-Radial" and "Full-Radial" Chutes in VMG (AWA 58-90deg, to 7knots AWS), AP (AWA 80-140deg, to 11 knots AWS), Runner (AWA 120-180deg, above 9 knots), and Blast Reacher (AWA 58-90deg, above9 knots) The cost for a chute once you decide on which one is about $700-$800 depending on time of year, raw material prices, etc...DOYLE can be reached at 954-462-3695.

I've been E-mailing lofts to find other sail support for the S-525. Chris Winnard from Banks Sails E-mailed me his list of "The recomended arsenal of sails" and their list prices. Come to find out Chris is not only an accomplished sailmaker, Chis is also a Three Time Santana 20 National Champion. He was quite excited that there was such an active interest in the S-525 and plans on being up at the Nationals next year.

If you have a loft that you would recommend, send me an Email and they'll be added to the list.