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The captains meeting was held at 9:00AM to review the start time and course. The favorite island across from mile marker 13 was chosen. This usually runs a 23 Nautical mile race round trip. With a 9:30 start we had  Nirvana, Schock Therapy, Nancy J, Prime time, Wnt Crazy and Presto casing the starting line between the day board #2 and the flag pole on the dam. At 9:30,
we quickly had all the boats on a dead run headed for Goat Island. Nirvana was leading for the first mile while PrimeTime and Presto were playing with their spinnaker gear. The boats that stayed to the south had favored wind and started to take the lead. Presto popped a chute  followed by PrimeTime with her chute and passed the fleet before Goat Island and maintained a very short lead to turning point.
The winds were from the west to the north west from 8 to 20 knots. Presto performed a spectacular spinnaker broach to amuse the fleet, those close enough to see and recovered with out damage.  PrimeTime did quite well to duel it out with Presto. Presto kept to the south and rounded to the north, PrimeTime kept to the north and rounded to the south.
The winds on the way back to the finish varied from the north west to the south with swirlies, dead air  and terrific gusts. Nancy J made fantastic time on the beat backup the lake. PrimeTime kept to the north and quickly passed Presto just after passing Goat Island. At 2:00 Nirvana hailed the fleet for assistance from a large boat. She had run aground on a mud flat east and north of Goat Island. ( very common occurrence during this race) Strange turn of events, this was the same mud bar that plagued Honey Bear in the fall of 97. Judge Vance's boat was temporarily renamed,"Motion Denied".
PrimeTime finished first and timed the crossing of the remaining boats. She was followed by Presto and just on her wake was the Nancy J. Nirvana hailed the fleet that she had been freed from the muck and was under power on the way back. I believe that this was the maiden race for Schock Therapy, a Schock Santana20, new this spring to the fleet.  It was a great day with a overcast wet start due the the storm front during the night to a hot blue sky filled with puffy clouds. It doesn't get much better than this.   Remember that we're crazy enough to do this again in the fall when the water level is much lower.

                        Nancy J              1
                        PrimeTime          2
                        Presto                3
                        Schock Therapy 4