NATCHEZ, historical romantic fiction,
is my first published novel
available at
Scheherazade Tales Romance E-Novels
Riverboats, saloons, gamblers, scoundrels and rakes abound in this story of a young woman who, by a strange twist of fate, finds herself alone and penniless and left to her own resourcefulness to survive.
Read an excerpt of NATCHEZ online
Welcome to Natchez, home to whores, gamblers, and anyone out to make a fast buck, no matter what the cost...The untimely death of lovely young Rebecca Bennett's father forces the innocent girl from Savannah to live by her wits. Alone, penniless, and seemingly betrayed by the only man she has ever truly loved, she must live by her wits to stay alive and fulfil her dream: to buy her beloved Oliver's plantation and have a home of her own, even though he is miles away.
But though she tries to escape from her shady past, the powerful enemies at work against her and Oliver close in. Can she ever find happiness, safety, and the people responsible for her father's death and her ruin? And can she ever be sure of Oliver's love?
What readers are saying about NATCHEZ....
"Deb Crockett is a writer that knows her stuff.
NATCHEZ was a terrific read and really can heat up a room. I couldn't put it down nor did I want to. Her writing makes you feel as if you are the main heroine, a woman that took a horrid situation and turned it to her advantage. It is a wonderful love story with intricate twists and turns to keep your attention and wanting more. Hope more are coming from this new wonderful writer!"- Gina Phelps
"An awesome read…I was transported back to the 1850's along the great Mississippi River…saloons, gambling, murder, romance, intrigue and a sense of survival. NATCHEZ is truly well written and held my attention right up to the very end with its unexpected and exciting twists and turns."Fast paced, action packed and realistic…very well done!"
- Ardy Newman
"Ms. Crockett's debut novel, NATCHEZ, establishes her ability to spin a captivating tale. With historical accuracy and vivid character detail she transports you to the squalor of 'Natchez-Under-The-Hill'. Cutthroats lurk in alleyways, pickpockets swarm the muddy streets like locusts. Smoke-shrouded saloons vibrate with loud, gaudy laughter of prostitutes plying their ancient trade in the shadow of nimble-fingered gamblers. Murderers find sanctuary in this lawless community tucked beneath the hill, and pimps squabble among themselves for prime territory. The stench of the waterfront hangs heavy in the air but doesn't mask the rancid odors of unwashed bodies, or the unmistakable scent of sexual musk.
"In this arena of corrupt humanity, genteel and sheltered Rebecca Bennett must find a way to not only survive but to succeed on her own while she deals with the death, and possible murder, of her father, the total loss of her financial funds, and the apparent betrayal of the man she loves. Rebecca and Oliver are a warm, sensual couple who struggle to overcome the obstacles in the path to their love and happiness.
"With incomparable skill, Ms. Crockett delivers a fast-paced, character-rich love story in her own strong, refreshing voice. Add NATCHEZ to your "must read" list."
- Priscilla A. Maine
"This fast-paced historical romance has a surprise on every page".........
- Karen Morris
"The story was one that grabbed you from the beginning and held you until the end. The transition of Rebecca from a sweet, innocent young lady to a smart, worldly woman was wonderful; it didn't happen overnight like it does in some books but was a gradual change. And the sex scenes held a poigancy that is sadly lacking in some of the romance today, focusing more on emotions than the actions themselves. It was a wonderful book, and I'm glad to have been able to read it. I hope to be seeing more from this author in the future, and if this is any indication of her works we're in for treats with each new story."
- Sarah Pearson
"NATCHEZ by Deb Crockett is relatively a quickly paced novel and very different from your average run-of-the-mill-romance-novel. Some words of advice (and I stole these from the author) - do not read this as though you're wanting a Harlequin Romance. That just isn't there. This author definitely has a way with words that will not leave you bored or skimming for the next good part.
"The storyline is interesting and intriguing and very enjoyable. (Just a note -- for those that believe and live by the ten commandments you may have a tiny bit of trouble with this one). But, as with most stories, this is just a story, a romance nonetheless and still wildly entertaining. It is a story that is not all ribbons and lace — there is sadness and frustration and definitely a time where you'd like to shake the heroine. In my opinion, these feelings give the book more sustenance.
- Pam Tullos
"Exceptional! Kept me on the edge of my seat all night! Ms. Crockett creates a vivid tale of a young woman trying to make it on her own. All along you never know what to expect. The author keeps you literally on the edge of your seat. The highs and lows of real life come together in this marvelous tale of love, lust, and mayhem. I hope you enjoy NATCHEZ as much as I did. Be prepared to sit and read it in one sitting. You won't want to put it down."
- Tricia
"NATCHEZ is an exceptional piece of story telling. This is a most capable writer. The plot continually moved forward. There was no confusion (as so many novels bring on) to the characters, dialogue or places. As a novelette, the author kept it tight and steady, a must in short novel writing."I loved the way she described each and every new setting or, for example, the riverboat ride. She can certainly hold on to her readers by including them ‘into’ the scene she's painting. VERY good work.
"All in all, the story moved dramatically and at an exciting pace. That is what we romance readers look for when selecting a historical romance fiction. Yes, I would have bought it at the bookstore, after reading the jacket synopsis.
"The style of writing is first class. I am delighted to have had the chance to enjoy it!"
- Joan-Anne Warkentin
"A fascinating historical novel.
"You can see Rebecca grow from a frightened child thrown to the fates by her father's murder into a woman determined to reach the goals she set. Will the price of doing the "right thing" cost her the love of her life? Her frustrations in finding her way and her disillusionment in many of the things that life has in store for her make an intriguing tale set against the backdrop of a world where the lines of good and evil are not clearly drawn and survival has its price.
"Rebecca grows to a strong woman through life & love's trials. You will recognize a "real woman" in this tale and whether you agree or not with the choices she makes, you will be rooting for her and eagerly turning pages until the end."
- Cy Korte
"Rebecca is a product of her day, but she is courageous and tough. Readers will find themselves cheering for her as she surmounts each obstacle thrown in her path. Oliver is, to use a cliché, a hero to die for...a man of truly heroic proportions. These characters are flawed, but their faults make them more appealing.
"While some readers may find the first chapter slowed by extensive back story, the story's action picks up significantly as the tale goes onward. Natchez flows from event to event with a satisfying clip. Nice attention to historical detail gives the reader a genuine sense of being a part of the events. Smooth and flawless, these nuances of history are interwoven expertly into the fabric of the story. Readers will be surprised by the many twists and turns Rebecca and Oliver face."
- Denise A. Agnew
"Finally, a heroine who is not chaste and perfect! Deb Crockett made a believable character who faced the worst life had to offer and won. A memorable story! I enjoyed it!"
- Huntress
"Very Highly Recommended -
"NATCHEZ is an exciting tale intertwined with secrets, gamblers, and murder. Rebecca is a woman who struggles to survive in a harsh world alone. Oliver is a passionate yet honorable man who loves two women, and must choose one over the other for propriety sake. They are a strong leading couple who are exciting to watch. Their love for each other is strong and the sacrifices they make are very moving. The supporting cast of gamblers, cutthroats and saloon owners make this a very interesting and exciting tale. This is one story you should definitely put on your reading list to buy."
- Robin
Under the Covers
"Glimpses of the early South and voices from the past seem to pull you into Natchez, a new historical romance by Deb Crockett. It is easy to picture the fateful steamboat trip from Savannah to Natchez, Mississippi, as Rebecca Bennett travels with her father to purchase a cotton plantation and begin a new life. Crockett has an easy style of writing that makes you "pull up a chair" to sit and immerse yourself in her story of love, death and treachery."At first, you think the story line is somewhat predictable, but the slight twists and turns provide sufficient diversion to keep you reading. Deb Crockett, in NATCHEZ, has successfully merged an historical story of the old south with action, suspense and a leading lady that risks everything to make it on her own...and to keep her true love. Rebecca grows up quickly, using the resources she has available, but yet brings to the reader an innocence and honesty that carries through even her sexual interludes.
"Here's hoping that Crockett carries this leading lady into further adventures in the future. Until then, get a copy of Natchez for a delightful fast-paced trip down to Natchez, Mississippi! "
- Glenda Bixler
"This is a really well written story that will have you not wanting to do anything but keep reading. The details and the pace of the story are great and the sex and passion are not to be believed. This author has a brilliant career ahead of her and I hope to see a lot more books."Rebecca Bennett is a young girl leaving the only home she has ever known. Her father wants to try his hand at a new life and she is uncertain if this is a good idea. Her life is drastically changed by the events that take place on the journey. You almost feel as if it were you going to a new life. Oliver Sebastian is a hero out of a fairy tale. All of the characters were so real that you really felt a part of the story, not just a reader of a tale.
"Well, all I can say for this book is WOW! I couldn't get away from it. I was totally hooked from the 2nd page. No matter what you pay for this book, you will be getting more than your money's worth. There is history, romance, suspense, sex, anything you want and all of it done superbly. I can't recomend this book enough. I got to the part where everything was coming together nicely and it seemed about to end and -- here we go again. I couldn't believe it, I literally threw my hands up and laughed. Thank God it isn't over yet. I do hope this is a series. I will definitely be looking for more books from this author. Enough said, I could go on all night. I can't believe there isn't more to read. I thought this was one of the best books I've read in a long time and I would highly recommend to anyone who likes to really experience their reads. Excellent."
- Nancy Jones
Rhapsody Magazine
"NATCHEZ is a unique and different historical romance. While it has the standard hero and heroine, conflict, resolution and happy ever after, that is where the resemblance to the typical historical romance ends. I found myself captivated by a very different heroine. Rebecca Bennett is not the typical helpless, southern belle, in many respects, Rebecca is Scarlett O'Hara, only nicer.
"NATCHEZ is a wonderful story of the strength of the human spirit. Rebecca is a heroine more often found in modern day contemporary romances, a woman not afraid to work for what she wants, even if at times her behavior would shock polite society. No matter what she has to do to accomplish her goal, she retains the goodness of her heart and in her heart is true to Oliver, even though she believes he is lost to her forever. Rebecca is in no way a typical simpering, helpless southern belle; I found her courage and her daring refreshing. NATCHEZ could just as easily have been entitled REBECCA because it is her story, and no one else's. Rebecca's character is well fleshed and complete while the other characters, even the hero Oliver Sebastian, are more like bit players in her life.
"Overall I would recommend NATCHEZ to those looking for something different, even with it's flaws, NATCHEZ is an enjoyable, and if truth be told, probably a more accurate story of what happens when a young girl is left alone and penniless in an all too often unfriendly environment.
"Kudos to Ms. Crockett for portraying a heroine who is real, and doesn't always do what is proper, but what it takes to survive.
- Terrie Figueroa
Romance Communications
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