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Good morning, Jesus....
O, Lord, I love You.......
I praise Your holy name.......
as I watch the sun
come over the horizon,
I bask in Your presence......
I feel Your warm glow of sunshine
as it washes over me.......
it warms me and makes me feel secure.......
it chases away the darkness of the night......
it cloaks me with Your glorious golden rays of light.......
thank You Lord, for another day......
a day to be a witness for You......
a day to sing of Your glories.....
to tell the world
of all that You have done
for me......
and for them......
Lord, remind me
to be thankful today
for all the little things
as well as big......
for all the things
we take for granted,
like the very air we breathe......
the rain that waters the flowers.....
the birds that bring beauty to our lives.......
thank You Lord
for the wonderful country
that we live in,
and for the patriotism
that has arisen from the ashes,
much like the phoenix.......
thank You for the love
that You have planted
in the hearts of each of us......
and for allowing it to grow.......
thank You for loving me enough
to die on
that ol' rugged cross
for my sins.......
I love You,
and honor You,
and I glorify Your name....
I humbly bow
in Your holy presence.......

Your loving daughter.......
The Shepherdess