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(left)St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
located at 215 North 7th Street
(right)USNG Armory
located on North 9th Street

A GREAT Terre Haute watering hole and restaurant
The Saratoga, 5th and Wabash

Looking north on 5th Street from Cherry Street

(left)Figg Park
(right)Boy Scout Park

Anothr Terre Haute landmark - The Coca Cola plant on Lafayette

Historical Markers on the NE corner of 7th and Wabash
(left)Crossroads of America:- U.S. Highway 40, the old National Road which open the west for settlement, and U.S. Highway 41, a major north~south route, were designated part of the original federal highway system in 1926. Their intersection in Terre Haute at Wabash Avenue and 7th Street became the "Crossroads of America"
(right)On these sidewalks, Eddie Taylor -Mayor of 7th and Wabash- peddled newspapers from 1926 to 1957, advancing freedom of the press one American at a time. May those who walk these same Terre Haute streets value that freedom in Eddie's memory.

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Unless otherwise noted, all photos and logos on this site are the property of and
© Rob Robbins 2000-present. Use only with permission.
