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Our New York City Trip

Every two years our high school band director takes the concert band on a trip. My senior year we went to New York City to perform in the Lincoln Center. After our performance we went sight seeing! It was SO cool to me! I loved every minute of it, and I was the most obvious tourist because the whole time we were down town my head was looking straight up at all the buildings... something new to this "country girl." It's not every day I see a skyscraper... just cows LOL!

Here we are at a truck stop somewhere in PA wondering if we will ever get to see the Big Apple. That's Kristi in the front and in the back L-R Benita, April, Me, Jennifer, Michelle, Mr.Wood, and Jerri.

Next pit stop... a mall in upper PA. Mom had to get a group picture of us to capture our "cuteness." Yeah right we've been on a bus for ohhh 10 hours or so! Heather and Benita are in the front and in the back there's April, Richie, and Me.

Our performance in the Lincoln Center. It was SO windy and I was flipped out by all of the on-lookers. Just by chance we got to play as people were getting off of work.

Look! It's me, Charity, and Steph standing in down town NYC!!

Steph, Stephanie, and me being our cute selves at the All Star Cafe

Look! The Statue of Liberty! I did a pretty good job on this shot.

Star getting a piggy back ride to see the statue.

Here we are on Long Island. What a crew! 1st row Heather and Amy, 2nd row Jennifer, Benita, Coleen, Val, and April, 3rd row Aaron and me.

TOYS!!! Here's me and April standing next to Oscar the Grouch at FAO Schwarz. Hmmm we still haven't figured out why they turned us lose in a toy store... A VERY LARGE toy store! haha

Here is Stephanie, Jessica, and me showing our "artistic" sides. If we think about it long enough... naw that won't work.

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