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The Global Site Awards
A Global Site Global Site Award (30994 bytes) Award Winner

This Award is given to those sites who demonstrate the
design quality and unique style worthy of such an honor

  There are no invitations you must submit a request for review

E-mail your FULL site URL along with your e-mail address

to The Global Site Award Committee for a web review

All submissions will receive a reply within 48 hours, accepted or not,

along with the HTML and image files that must be posted or your

index page within 48 hours of receipt. This is required for a listing here

The Global Site Award Winners

Star.gif (877 bytes)Springers Space Star.gif (877 bytes) High Tech Site with good design Star.gif (877 bytes)

Star.gif (877 bytes)Technology Plus Star.gif (877 bytes) Ultra modern future Site Star.gif (877 bytes)

Star.gif (877 bytes)Jerry's Space Star.gif (877 bytes) A unique Golf Site with colorful frames Star.gif (877 bytes)

Star.gif (877 bytes)Free Stuff Star.gif (877 bytes) A fast simple Site full of good HTML and info Star.gif (877 bytes)

Star.gif (877 bytes)Springers Star.gif (877 bytes) Creative Motorcycle Site about Harley-Davidson Star.gif (877 bytes)

Star.gif (877 bytes)Springers Star.gif (877 bytes) A European Mirror Site, same content as above Star.gif (877 bytes)


Next Award Winner

A Global Site Global Site Award (30994 bytes) Award Winner

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