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Children Of The Bud

Marijuana and why I like it. Marijuana The first reason i like it is because it takes the edge off of life. 2. Marijuana calms me down and lets me live life happily. 3 Marijuana is source of my life, without it i wouldn't be able to dream up my reality. 4 You never hear of anyone beating the hell out of someone like you do when people are drinking. Hell what would they do the worst is steal your food. 5 marijuana makes sex alot better not saying I don't like sex without it, but its, well hell try it!!! In my oppinion reality is only for those who lack good weed. Hell everyone needs a little bud in this shitty world. 6 It makes you feel good!!!!!!!


I do not see why the don't just legalize pot, weed, etc. Hell why don't they just legalize it. I mean hell what is so bad about it. It is just a plant that originally grows in nature. All it does is calm people down. I will repeat myself. How many times have you heard of someone getting into a fight, Domestic violence, etc. Just because they have been smoking pot? I have personally heard of none. The worst it does is give you the munchies and cotton mouth. Which will make you want to eat. And eat you will do alot of during the duration of your high. Delta-9 Tetra Hydro Flora Carbond A.K.A THC. is what makes you high.

Bud Accessories

Well the first thing you need when you want to smoke some weed is the weed. Next you need to get yourself some papers 1.5's are the best. Well you roll one up and smoke it. A little while later that is when the roach clips come in. If you ain't got any go get some. And if you don't know what their for what are you doing on a bud page. Well a good little bud accessorie is the bong. Oh I love bongs. Or a good pipe. Hell if you ain't got any of the above a tin can will do just poke some holes in it with a needle or a fork. But do not forget to make a carb. so that it will hit right. Oh you can never forget about the blunts. All you need to do is get a blunt shell. You can by them at a tobbacco store, your 7'11 or your neighborhood Wal-Mart hell they only cost 42 cents. A good thing to keep in hand is a cigeratte pack. Take the celophane off of the pack and you got something to hold your bud with. Hell i'll tell you a good stoner trick. If you want to be cautious you can take the tobacco out of your cigarette and fill it back up with bud and smoke it like that. Just make sure if your parents aren't cool just make sure they are no where near cause the smell is still there for a while. And a real stoner can smell it a mile away. Or your annoying police officers.

Bud Prices

Well a dime bag is around 10 bucks. But they are gettin hard to find. A 20 sack is around 20-25 bucks. A half a quarter is about 30 bucks. A quarter is around 40-45 bucks. A half a oz is about 60 bucks. A oz can range from 90-100 bucks but that can vary with the potency of your bud. All of the above can change under that standard. Now your pound of weed is usually a 1,000 bucks or more. Your kilo is 10,000 and above alot obove. Depending on who you but it from. And if they give you a discount on buying in such a large quantity.