Sentinel X: Prologue

Blair Sandburg got out of the cab in front of Charles Xavier's School for the Gifted. He carried two bags and his ever-present backpack. Blair rang the doorbell and waited. He was here to visit a friend from Cascade. The door opened and Blair found himself looking at a woman with brown skin and white hair with blue eyes.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

Blair smiled at her and answered, "Yeah, I'm here to visit Daryl Banks. I'm a friend of his from Cascade."

"Can I have your name?" The woman asked as she led him inside the school.

"Oh, yeah," Blair said, "I'm Blair Sandburg."

The woman led him through the halls and up to a library. Blair watched all the kids who walked past them. Several of them set off his Shaman Sense. Every fibre of his being seemed to be telling him to be careful.

Blair was impressed by the sheer volume of books in the library; he saw books of every size, thickness, binding, colour and subject. The woman led him up to the top level where he saw several books on Criminology and Anthropology.

Sitting at a table looking at an article that Blair had just written was the young man Blair had travelled across the country to see.

"Daryl," the woman said, "You have a visitor."

Daryl looked up and saw Blair standing behind her. "BLAIR!" He shouted and jumped into Blair's arms that were open for a hug.

"It's good to see you my friend," Blair told him. " We miss you in Cascade."

Daryl settled against Blair's shoulder in the hug. He returned Blair's hug fiercely. What are you doing here man?" Daryl finally asked. Blair just grinned at him and took the seat opposite of where Blair had been sitting.

"I came to see you kiddo," Blair said as he looked at the books Daryl was looking through. "Working on a paper?"

"Oh yeah," Daryl said. "It's for my social studies class."

"Cool," Blair said. "When you're done, would you like to show me around? I have never been to a private school with a campus like this one before"

"Oh, I'm done for right now. You want to come to the cafeteria and get some lunch before I give you the grand tour?" Daryl asked.

Blair grinned and nodded after remembering that he had avoided the air plane food. "Oh, yeah, I could eat." He said to Daryl. The two of them left the library. Ororo watched them go with a certain detachment. Daryl had been very happy to see the young man with the long hair pulled into a ponytail. She was glad to see the young man smile as wide as he had.

//Ororo// Came the professor Xavier's mind call, //Come to my study at once. There is something about that young man that the team needs to discuss//

//On my way professor, // She thought back and headed immediately to the professor's study.

Ororo arrived at the door to the professor's study less than five minutes later. She knocked and when bidden to enter, she went in and found the rest of the team already assembled. Jean and Scott stood by the desk looking at a print out from Cerebro. Logan stood quietly watching them with an odd look on his face. Warren and Hank were playing with Cerebro to make certain that whatever was on the sheet of paper was accurate. Bobby was making snowballs and then unmaking them. Rouge and Bishop were watching the goings on in the study with curiosity and Sam Guthrie looked just plain confused. Still it was Logan's look that attracted her the most.

"Professor," she said, "what is going on? Why is the entire team currently in residence here present?"

All the assembled X-Men looked at Logan. He gave a growl of uncertainty as he tried to get his thoughts together. "I was close to a berserker rage right before our guest knocked on the door. I was this close to putting fist through the wall of the Gym. Then, the exact second that that guy entered the school, the rage just went away. Weirdest thing is just before it happened I heard a wolf howl and an echo of a big cat screaming." Logan told them as he paced. It was obvious to everyone that whatever had happened had if not unnerved him then at least surprised him.

"Well, It appears that while Mr. Sandburg is not a mutant something in him caused a reaction from Cerebro," Professor Xavier told them. "We must find away to find out what he is. "Something about him is causing Cerebro to respond and we must find out what and tag it for study."

"He may not let us Chuck," Logan said. "If, he don't want to submit to the testing what do we do? I don't think he's goin' ta let us just hook him up to the scanners to find out what makes him tick."

Professor Xavier looked at the faces of his X-Men and sighed. "We may have to resort to trickery to keep him here. And I may have to invade his mind to find out what we need to know. I hate having to do it but the readings say he is very strong and such strength cannot be left wild and untrained. Or unprotected," Xavier said at last.

"The question is how do we keep him here without him getting suspicious? Why is he here in the first place?" Scott asked Ororo and the professor.

"He came to see Daryl Banks," Ororo answered. "Daryl said once that Blair is an teacher and an anthropologist. Maybe we could ask him to give a lecture or some such thing."

"That is probably our best course of action Xavier said. "However I think the best course of action may not be the way to go this time. I'll cause him to pass out and then we can keep him sedated while we figure it out. I don't like to do this either students but we have no choice. If we let him go without gaining knowledge as to why he could set Cerebro off simply by entering the school without being a mutant."

"We understand professor," Scott said. "We just don't like it."

"Understood," Xavier said. "However we have no choice. Jean, go and set up the infirmary. Hank, go down and watch Mr. Sandburg and Daryl. The moment he collapses I want you to bring him to infirmary. Logan, you will be the guard to keep anyone from coming down see him. We will let Mr. Banks see his friend twice a day so he sees that Mr. Sandburg is receiving the best care. Lets go students."

After his students went to get into position, Xavier prepared to strike Blair Sandburg down with a telepathic mind bolt. He prayed that the young man would forgive him this. It was in the best interest of humanity but Xavier did not think that would be much comfort to any of the X-Men if anything went wrong. He received the all ready from his team and reached with his mind into Blair's. He struck at his conscious mind.

He received two shocks: As Blair fell to the ground Xavier was kicked out of his mind by a large black Jaguar.

A wolf howled in pain as Blair Sandburg fell into a coma and yet he sent a desperate thought to a person named: <<JIM!!!…>>

Xavier realised in that moment that Blair was aware of what he had done.

"Oh My GOD!" Xavier said when he felt the raw power that suddenly surged along the link to the Jim person. Xavier sensed pure unadulterated Rage from wherever Jim was. A rage that Xavier realised would be directed at him when Jim got there. Xavier had no doubt that Jim was on his way even as he thought about the man and what he'd just sensed from him.

//X-MEN!// he sent to his students, //We are going to have a very angry man arrive soon. Apparently, Mr Sandburg is connected to this man. Be alert for him, his name is Jim. //

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