Sentinel X II : Part 2

Jim and Simon disembarked from the Plane at JFK airport. Simon had watched Jim go through several phases of anger while in flight. He'd seen Jim get really angry. He'd then seen primal rage and finally, he'd seen the tag the toe, zip the bag type of anger that only ever appeared when Blair was threatened. Simon hoped there would be no murder and that whatever was going on between Jim and Daryl's head master could be resolved with words and not fists. Of course, Simon knew the likelihood of that was almost zilch. Jim was extremely protective of Blair and Simon knew that if anything had happened to Blair then bodies were going to fly. It was late here and Simon was tired but he knew Jim wouldn't stop until he was once again with his Guide. Simon got into the car Jim rented and held on for dear life as Jim headed for the freeway.

As they drove further and further away from the airport, Simon began to suspect that he was no longer looking at Jim Ellison. Simon wasn't sure what he was looking at was even human. Jim was obviously furious but whom he was angry with was now up for debate. It had at first seemed to be Professor Xavier. Now it seemed to be just them in general and the words "Don't touch My Guide." had been said repeatedly. It was almost as if Jim could see what was happening to Blair. It was obvious that whatever was happening had made Jim extremely mad. Simon held on as the car swung into another lane and Jim headed for an exit. Simon didn't know about that exit because he'd only been here once or twice in the last eighteen months and he always took the long way.
 Simon watched as within a half hour they were in Westchester County and heading into the town of Salem Centre. Simon wondered what Jim was following and then changed his mind. It was probably more Sentinel Weirdness.

When they arrived at Xavier's School for The Gifted, Simon watched Jim assume what Blair called his classic listening pose. Simon waited patiently and then felt a shiver of apprehension as Jim's lips pulled back into a feral snarl. Simon knew that he must have found Blair. Wherever Blair was, it had made Jim very angry. Simon watched as Jim walked up and pounded on the front door. It was obvious to Simon that it was taking all of Jim's self control not to break the door down.

Simon watched as the door opened and the person who opened it stepped back out of Jim's way. She was a beautiful, African woman with white hair and blue eyes. The woman seemed to know exactly what Jim was there for and that getting in his way at this moment could be hazardous to her health.

"We have done him no injury Guardian," she said to Jim.

Jim growled low as if in acknowledgement of her statement. He stalked past her and headed down to the infirmary where he knew Blair was being held in a sedated state.

Simon followed and they found a short hairy man standing look down at Blair and gently stroking his hair. "What is it about you kid that makes me want to protect you?"

Jim inhaled the man's scent to confirm what he had begun to suspect last time.

He had heard what Wolverine had whispered and decided to answer his question.

"He's your son Wolverine," Jim said remembering the name that the android had called the man during the fight. "His scent is so close to yours that I almost couldn't tell you apart. Care to explain why he's here again?"

"I went into a berserker rage the other day," Wolverine said tiredly. "The professor had Blair brought here to calm me down. Something happened between Blair and two of our people. I don't know what but your pet nearly took off one of 'em's face. It's been pacing around the lab ever since. It wont let her in the room because of whatever she tried to do. I thought it would try to rip her apart before I ordered her to get out of the room."

"She tried to enter my mind," Jim said coldly. "She thought she could control my Spirit Guide and he responded to her as he responds to any other threat. What is her problem?"

"I don't know Bub," Wolverine said. "But I told her that she had better lose it real quick. Blair is waiting for you to call him I think."

"Wolverine," Jim called. Logan stopped at the doorway and turned. "Blair needs you and I hate to tell you this but the Chopec said that a Guide could only be bonded to one

"So I'm like you?" Wolverine asked.

Jim nodded and pulled him back to the table.  "Blair needs a father. After some of the crap Naomi pulled when he was little he probably wants a dad like you," Jim said.

Wolverine watched as the Spirit Guide sat at Jim's feet and purred. Jim absently scratched its head and turned to the table. He felt along the link until Blair responded to him.

Then Jim looked at Wolverine and smiled "Thanks for watching over my Guide," he said. Jim rubbed the back of his neck absently and then looked at Simon. He growled without knowing why.

"Jim?" Simon said questioningly.

Jim sniffed the air around him for a moment. The growl came again. Lower this time, more menacingly. "There is something...not right here Simon. It's got my senses on full alert."

Simon had long ago suspected that Jim could sense a lot more than just the physical things in life. Simon watched as he turned his attention towards the door as Professor Xavier wheeled into the room. Jim snarled and began to pace around him. Jim bent over and scented Xavier. The snarl became a roar as Jim backed away keeping himself between Blair and Xavier.

"What is it bub?" Wolverine asked.

Jim sniffed again and then put his hand on Blair's forehead. "That isn't your professor. This is going to sound weird but right body, wrong mind," Jim told him and stepped forward again.

Wolverine stepped forward and popped his claws. "What'd you do with Chuck and who the heck are you?" Wolverine demanded.

Simon watched as the professor smiled evilly.

Jim stepped forward and went into a defensive position. He stared at the professor and let the panther come to the front of his mind. He knew that whatever was controlling Xavier would sense the difference and he watched the reaction of fear flash across the face of the man.

"I would have no qualms about hurting you," Jim told him. "However, I don't want to start a fight. Answer the questions!"

"I am the Entity," it said. "I have claimed this man as my own."

"Like hell!" Wolverine growled and called for Jean. Jean Grey appeared after a few minutes. She began to attack The Entity from inside the professor's mind. The Professor himself helped once Jean released him from the mental prison he was in and Blair helped from the Spirit Plain. Jim felt the Jaguar merge with him and his senses suddenly became even more powerful. Powerful enough to let him tell when the Entity was destroyed.

Professor Xavier was checked over and given an all clear by Jean Grey and Jim, the X-Men, the Sentinel, Captain Banks, and Blair after he was woken up, sat at the kitchen table eating lunch. Jim waited until they had all finished eating before he began to ask his questions.

"Why was Blair unconscious again professor?" Jim asked, "And why is his jaw bruised?"

"I think you need to discuss this with Danielle and Bishop. Danielle had a problem when Storm referred to Blair as The Shaman when I asked if anyone knew what to do with Wolverine in his rage."

"Professor, isn't Doctor Connors supposed to give Illyana her last check-up today?" Jean asked suddenly remembering about the doctor's appointment that all mutants in the house treated for the Legacy Virus had scheduled for that afternoon.

"Yes he is Jean, what time is he due?" Professor X asked her. Jean looked at Jim and Blair and Simon who was pacing around the room after listening to the explanation about what Jim had been so angry about a few months ago. Now everyone knew what happened between Professor Xavier and Blair was not the professor's fault but the fault of The Entity. Jim looked at the group of mutants in front of him and asked, "Why is Illyana seeing a Doctor Connors today?"

Jean Grey looked at the professor who nodded that they had the right to know.

Jean looked at Simon who was still pacing. "Captain Banks? Do you want to hear this or visit your son? His last class of the day just ended."

Simon looked at Jim and Blair who were waiting patiently for the explanation and sat down at the table.

"Seeing as how I know Jim and Blair think this is very important, I'll stay and listen. I think Jim wants to stay a few days anyway," Simon said. Jean nodded and began to tell them about the Legacy Virus and who had finally found a cure for it.

Jim looked up at the end of the explanation and growled. "Someone created a virus that attacks a person's genetic code in an attempt to get rid of mutants but it mutated and started attacking normal humans too? What kind of idiotic bigot would do something like that? Never mind, I know."

"Yes detective Ellison, someone did this and we were losing the battle but Hank McCoy, who will be leading Doctor Connors in a few minutes, went to his friend for help."

A girl with long blond hair suddenly appeared in the kitchen. She pulled a can of soda out of the fridge and then got a glass of ice.

"Illyana," the professor said. "I thought I asked you not teleport into the kitchen when we had guests."

"Sorry sir," the blond girl said. "I didn't realise Mr. Sandburg was awake. Dani is afraid to come down and face his friends and him. Besides, Doc's coming and you know I always make him a glass of soda."

"Yes, I know you always make him a glass of soda. All right Illyana, go greet your adopted father. I think he's in the house now." The professor said to her. The girl vanished in a flash of light and Jean looked at Jim and Blair.

"She's excited, ever since Curt cured her of the Legacy Virus and let her adopt him, she always makes sure there is a soda here for him. Curt is missing his right arm."

Jim laughed and sat back at the table. He understood how it was when you found someone who understood you. Jim and Blair looked up at Simon who was pacing again. Simon was looking out the window at a rosebush.

"Simon?" Blair asked softly. "What is it?"

"It's this whole thing Blair," He said to the young observer. "This is the second time you were taken and although we know it wasn't the professor's fault, Jim wants the man who
bruised your jaw."

"In that case Simon, Jim should get ready because he's about to come in the door with Illyana and this doctor person who she's sort of adopted"

Simon looked up as a large, black man with an M tattooed over his right eye walked into the room with the blond teleporter and a one armed man in blue slacks and a black turtleneck shirt with a lab coat. The right sleeve of the lab coat had been sewn up.

Jim growled at the black man and stood. The black man smirked at him thinking Jim would be a kindred spirit by his bearing. Jim met him halfway across the kitchen and put himself between Blair and the black man.

Illyana pulled the doctor over to where Blair was sitting with Simon.

"Hi," Blair said to him. "I think we met briefly before my encounter with his fist."

"We did," the doctor replied. "I am the one who made sure you were all right except for the bruise. I was afraid we'd have to call an ambulance if you didn't wake up soon. I'm Curt Connors by the way."

"Blair Sandburg," Blair replied. "The big, white guy facing off against I think his name is Bishop, is Jim Ellison. This is our captain, Simon Banks."

"My pleasure," Dr. Connors said to him. Just then there was a loud crash as Bishop went flying across the room. Blair looked at Jim and swallowed thickly.

"Sandburg!!" Simon bellowed. "What's wrong with him?"

"Uh, I think he's turned into his Spirit Guide sir. That isn't a man, that's the panther."

"Great, do we need a leash for him?" Blair watched as the fighters began to circle each other warily and understood. Jim was pissed.

Simon, Curt, Blair, Illyana, Professor X, and Jean Grey watched as the two men moved in on each other. Jim lunged forward suddenly with a speed and grace most people would never associate with such a tall man. He caught Bishop and tossed him across the room. Bishop kept going however and went out the window Simon had just been looking out and landed in the rose bush.

"Bishop!" a female voice yelled. "Get out of that rosebush and apologise to our guests before you end up in pieces!"

Sentinel X II: Part Three