Sentinel X II : Part Three

Ororo Munroe, known as Storm, was livid. Bishop had just managed to anger Jim Ellison and they were so closes to having no bloodshed this time.

Detective Ellison had just thrown Bishop out of a kitchen window and he had landed in one of her rose bushes. She was not happy.

"Get out of that rose bush and apologise to our guests Bishop," she yelled at him. It was not often they had guests and Bishop was about to make it a never happen again occurrence. Storm had heard his less than polite remarks about Dr. Connors but the doctor seemed to be content to let it slide. Whatever he'd said to detective Ellison though had enraged the man.

Ororo watched Bishop get to his feet slowly. He seemed disoriented for a moment. He looked up at her as if asking for help.

"You got yourself into this Bishop," she said. "I don't know what you said to that man but you really made him angry with it."

"But Storm," Bishop began.

Storm cut him off with a glare. "Not another word, Bishop," she said. "If Dr. Connors wasn't such a nice man he'd probably have put you out here himself."

Bishop turned and went back in to the kitchen where they found Blair Sandburg trying to coax Detective Ellison back to normal. The big man was still growling savagely. The look he gave Bishop when the man came back in could have killed any normal man. Bishop looked at Ellison and for the first time felt a hint of fear at the purely animal
expression on his face.

"I apologise for my comments," Bishop ground out. "It was not my intention to offend you."

Blair watched as Jim glared at him while judging his sincerity. Jim growled something in Chopec and Blair shrugged but nodded.

"Jim says your comments to him about myself and Doctor Connors were the stuff of bigotry and jealousy. He says you must have felt like a fool being proven wrong about the legacy virus by a one armed man. He says a man from an advanced future should surely know not to judge a person by their outward appearances. Jim thinks you'd better go and leave this room and think about what you've been saying and reevaluate it. I'd go if I were you," Blair told him. "Jim is in a mood to rip your head off now."

Bishop left the room quickly and Storm watched as Blair continued to try and talk Jim down. Wolverine came in with a new piece of glass for the window and looked at them. He wondered what had happened to this window that Ellison was very likely responsible for. He also wondered why Bishop had been heading to the boathouse as he came in with the new glass. Wolverine looked at his son and again felt very protective of him. Jim smiled recognising a parent's need to be near the child. He turned Blair to face Wolverine suddenly.

"My Shaman," Jim growled out. "Your sire. He protected you until I could come to get you."

Blair stared at Wolverine in shock. He then looked at Jim in surprise but with absolute trust. "My father Jim?" He asked. Wolverine nodded and stepped forward. He offered his hand to Blair who reached for him uncertainly.

Wolverine reached out and took Blair's hand. Blair found himself pulled into a hug. Wolverine was just about Blair's height. Blair let Wolverine hold on to him again. The grip was strong and it made him feel loved.

"Yeah kid," Wolverine said softly. "Your father. I never knew but your big friend told me today that our scents match. He said I'm like him."

"You are," Blair said as he vaguely recalled Wolverine scenting him when he arrived before Bishop knocked him out. He smiled at his father as he was hugged nearly to death. Wolverine led him over to the table Jim was now sitting at by Doctor Connors and Illyana. Doctor Connors looked at Jim and smiled tiredly.

"Thank you for your defence of me Mr. Ellison. It was not necessary but I thank you nonetheless. Bishop is not the first person to think I was worthless because of my missing arm."

Jim nodded at him and then snarled towards the door. A Native American woman came in timidly. She looked around the room and her eyes lit on Jim and Blair. She swallowed as she faced them.

"You called me professor?" She asked.

Professor Xavier nodded and gestured for her to come all the way in. "This is Detective Ellison. Mr. Sandburg's partner and I imagine Sentinel?"

Jim nodded and let her approach.

"You doubted my Shaman's position, why?" Jim growled out. Blair now knew what Jim was doing. He had gone from Panther man to primitive Sentinel and he wanted to know why the young Shaman person doubted his Guide's position.

"Jim, it's okay. We discussed this already."

"Not okay until she apologises to you Chief. She was in the wrong to doubt you and she tried to enter the mind of my Spirit Guide. Such can only be atoned for with an apology to the person whose Animal Spirit she tried to Control."

"Okay Jim. We can deal with this slowly but surely. And right now, I think all three of us are dead on our feet. So I think we should all go to bed and discuss this again in the morning. Okay?"

Jim nodded and yawned. Even Doctor Connors looked tired. He asked if he might use a phone to call his wife and tell her he wouldn't be home that night. Professor Xavier led him to one personally.

Soon all of the guests were in bed. Simon was with Daryl, Jim and Blair were together in a double room, and Doctor Connors was by himself. Xavier watched the group knowing that what was happening was a fairly new happening. He had never before had so many people in his house as guests that weren't students before.

Jim Ellison woke at dawn feeling hung over and exhausted. He felt like his head was made of cotton and like he'd tied on One too Many. Jim felt a snuffle behind him and looked down. His guide looked up at him sleepily. Jim suddenly remembered what had happened yesterday and he groaned as it just made his headache worse.

"Just tell me one thing Chief," Jim said. "Do I need to look for a new Guide?"

Blair shook his head and stretched. Jim smiled and pulled his Guide into a hug. "You are never leaving the Cascade City Limits without me again, Chief. This is getting way too weird."

Blair nodded knowing that they had made a few life long friends in the X-Men because they were being very understanding about the kidnapping and assault that had happened twice now. Jim smiled and rolled over. He went back to sleep with Blair pushed behind him on the same bed. Safe or not, Jim would protect the Guide in the strange place. Jim liked this primal thing in some ways. It let him protect Blair without his babbling Guide protesting about it. Jim smiled as Blair fell asleep again. He hoped that he would feel better when they got home.

End Sentinel X II
To be Continued in Sentinel X III:Father's Love, Sentinel's rage.