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Anna Williams's Story

Allow me to tell you a little about my self. I'll start with my vital stats

Catch Copy Scarlett Lightning
Country Of Origin Ireland
Fighting Style Koppo techniques/aikido
Height 5'4"
Weight 108 pounds
-Tekken 18
-Tekken 2 18
-Tekken 3 20
-Tekken Tag 20
Blood Type A
Likes Jerry of "Tom and Jerry",expresso coffee
Dislikes Nina Williams
Occupation Assassin/also employed for Kazuya Mishima
Hobby Traveling (placing false memories in Nina's mind during the 3rd tournament)

In the first Tekken, I wasn't even suppose to be there, that is according to Nina. I showed up and surprised her. This angered her to the point that she could no longer focus on her assignment to assassinate Heihachi Mishima.

Then during the second tournament, I was sent on the assignment with Nina to assassinate Kazuya Mishima, Heihachi's son. Little did she know that I was in fact working with Kazuya. As she was plotting to kill him, I would tell him her plans. This eventually led to a quarrel between us, and once again she failed.

After her failure, Kazuya's corps captured her and used us as guinee pigs in the Cold Sleep No. 2 experiment. Kazuya informed me of this, and I was outraged. My sister would be frozen and would not age for 15 years. While I would be aroun 35 when she woke up, she would still only be 22. I couldn't allow that. Not only that, even though I hated to admit it, I would miss my sister. So I willingly volunteered myself to be the second subject in the experiment.

When Heihachi's corps dug up the God of Fighting, it awoken both me and my sister, but Nina had forgotten everything. I then began to help her rememeber her life. Of course I would keep some things secret and make other things up.

Where to next?

To see my pictures?
To see my strategy?
To see my move list?
To see my ranking?
To see my analysis?
To see the trading cards?
To choose a new tour guide?