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Bryan Fury's Story

You've chosen to know my story. First I'll give you my vital stats.

Catch Copy: Snake Eye
Country of Origin: United States of America
Fighting Style: Kickboxing
Age: 29
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 176 pounds
Blood Type: AB
Likes: My haircut, and loneliness
Dislikes: Bright Sunlight
Hobby: Collecting cigarette lighters
Occupation: Collecting brain data for Dr. Abel

I was born in America and grew up to be a police officer. My career was untarnished and I recieved a job as part of the International Police Organization(IPO) working alongside Lei Wulong. I was known as a skillful detective, but my reputation was always marred by dark rumors.

While investigating the Hong Kong drug trade, Lei Wulong discovered that I had connections with drug dealers. He went to stop the deals from going down and a shoot out broke out. In the midst of all the commotion, I was killed.

My corpse was transported to the laboratory of a man named Dr. Abel. This 88 year-old scientist had gained notoriety in the underground society, but his findings were often preceded by Dr. Boskonovitch's.

However, at last, he came to the last step of completing his master project...the Cyborg Army.

Dr. Abel thought that a perfect cyborg must have the mechanics built by his rival, Dr. Boskonovitch, and reanimated my body and sent me off to collect this data.

I snuck into the Third King of Iron Fist Tournament, targeting Yoshimitsu who has strong ties with Dr. Boskonovitch.

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