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Jack-2's Story

You have now chosen to know my story. I'll start with my vital stats.

Catch Copy: Soulful Android
Country of Origin: Unknown
Fighting Style: Power fighter of Sheer Force
Height: 7'9"
Weight: 370 pounds
Age: 3
Blood Type: Plutonium
Occupation: Usually works at a scrap metal factory
Hobby: Overhauling myself
Likes: Parts centers in Akihabara
Dislikes: Scrap Factory

For those that do not know, I am not human, though I wish it more than anything else. The original Jack was super slaughtering military machine and super killiing robot developed by the former Soviet Union. The Russion military got wind of Kazuya's world coup d'etet plans right away and sent Jack to the tournament to get rid of him. But he did not succeed.

I am an android working for the military. I am an improvement over the old Jack. I was given a new computer chip that enabled me to learn from my mistakes. While the chip was effective, it malfunctioned, causing a consceince like nature to develop in me.

While I was on test in a battlefield being tested for their response to chemical weapons I came across a child. I rescued the child and fled the restricted area. The thought of the child's life that I had almost destroyed was stored in my data memory.

I then started to be pursued by the Soviet military, anxious that the secrets in my programming are erased so it would not to fall into the wrong hands. I fought my way to the Akihabara. Through my satellite link-up hardware, I descovered that my creator, Dr. Bosconovich, had been kidnapped by Kazuya Mishima who was holding the 2nd Iron Fist Tournament. I set out to rescue him by entering the tournament. I wanted to rescue him so I could ask the doctor to implant memory chips enabling me to feel human reason and emotion.

You'll need to see GunJack to find out more of my story.

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