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King the 2nd's Story

Before I tell you my story, I think it would be best if I told you my vital stats.

Catch Copy: Anger of Beast
Country of Origin: Mexico
Fighting Style: Wrestling
Age: 28
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 198 pounds
Blood Type: A
Occupation: Professional wrestler, Manager of an orphanage
Hobby: Helping Orphaned children
Likes: Celebrating victory with Armor King
Dislikes: Tears of children

I am King the 2nd, I was raised in the orphanage that King ran. When I was 24, King was killed as a result of trying to prevent Toshin from claiming his soul. This upset me greatly. I realized that the world needed him, the orphanage needed him, so I put on the mask and assumed the role of King's successor, in order to honor my mentor and save the orphanage.

I had only watched my him and really was incapable of fulfilling the legend, but Armor King, knowing who killed King, felt an obligation to prepare me for a rightful revenge.

After four years, I had become a skillful wrestler. Armor King finally felt it was the right time to tell me that it was the God of Fighting that had claimed King's life. Armor King broke down in tears as he told the story to me. I knew then my purpose in life.

Where would you prefer to go now?

To my gallery?
To my strategy?
To my ranking?
To my move list?
To view some cosplay?
To let King show you around?
To let Armor King show you around?
To get a new tour guide?