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{This document was written between 1895 and 1901}

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"I, Peter H. Alley, do write the following:

I think Thomas was my great grandfather's Alley's name. I think my father told me that his grandfather Alley was an Englishman, and that he raised seven sons and one daughter that I remember of and here and here, children were killed by the indians; my father had six uncles, their names as follows: James Alley; Thomas Alley who was a preacher and belonged to what was then known as the New Light Faith, but afterwards took the name of Christians; David Alley; Samuel Alley; Hosea Alley I think was a preacher and belonged to the Methodist; Jonathan Alley; Peter Alley who I think was the second or third son, he was my grandfather and a preacher, he belonged to what was then known as the New Light Faith but later took the name of Christians. The most of the above named seven brothers lived and raised their families in Scott County, Va,, and with few exceptions the Alley race of people in the past have been a good moral, law-abiding people and well thought of and well to do farmers and of some worth to their surroundings or neighbors. A considerable portion of mechanism belongs to the race, very few office holders, but more preachers than any race of people I know of. And if young people in choosing a companion for life could know and realize the importance of choosing one of a good moral law abiding and Christian race, how much better the prospect for the offsprings in the future. I do not know of any of the Alley's dirvorsing their wives in the past.


My grandfather, Peter Alley was born Fed 9th, 1757. My grandmother, Jane Hundley was born March 7th, 1767; Peter Alley and Jane Hundley were married Fed 7th 1788, and had children by the following names:

Milla, no date of birth, I think the date was torn off
Fannie was born Aug 7th, 1792,
Elizabeth was born Oct. 12, 1794,
Sarah was born April 14, 1796,
Paul was born Oct. 25, 1798,
Polly was born May 22, 1804,
Jane - no date of birth, I think she died when young.

My grandmother died and my grandfather married Elizabeth Davis; no children; My grandfather was six feet one inch, his weight 180 lbs, he was raw boned, He was a silver smith and worked at the trade in his young days, he was a preacher and belonged to what was then known as the New Light Faith but afterwards took the name of Christians; he owned two farms, one on the bank of the Clinch River, and one on Copper Creek; he died and I think was buried on one of the two farms, age I think soomewhere in 80 years; my grandfather Alley was a Silver Smith, also made spinning wheels and understood working at water mills. Most of the offspring of the foregoing Thomas Alley was settled in Scott County, Va. but in after years a considerable portion left for the St. of Indiana. What the increase of them is now I cannot tell, but the ALLEY race of people is widely scattered now.

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Aunt Milla Alley - no date of birth - I think it was torn off, she married James Porter. I do not know how many children she had. Aunt Fannie was born Aug. 12, 1792 and I think she died in childhood. Aunt Elizabeth was born Oct. 12, 1794. To whom she was married I do not know, she had one child names Jane. Aunt Sarah Alley was born april 14, 1796, she married John Blevins and had two child named Ruth and Peter.
Aunt Jane - no date of birth - I think she died in childhood. Aunt Polly was [born] May 22, 1804, to whom she was married I do not know, I have no more record of her. The above named, Aunt Milla Porter died and was buried on Big Creek near the upper end of the apple orchard above Dallas Bevins' house in Pike County, Ky.
The names of my fathers sisters children I cannot tell, but little about Aunt Milla's children: Aunt Elizabeth's child was named jane, she married JOHN BOND, I don't know how many children she had. Aunt Sarah's oldest childs' name was Ruth, she married Aceton Scott, she had 13 children, but at this time I do not know their names. Aunt Sarah's second child, Peter, married Ellen Alley and had 11 children, names: Lafayette, Thomas, Sarah, Paul, John, Ellen, Mary, Peter, Robert, Erastis, Titus.
Paul Alley, my father, was born Oct. 25, 1798:
Rebecca Williamson, my mother, was born Oct. 1805:
Paul Alley and Rebecca Williamson were maried March 27th 1820 and had nine children.
my father Paul Alley was raised on the banks of the Clinch River and came to Sandy ub abiut the year 1817 or 18 when the country was very thinly setteled, when these hills were full of wild animals, the waters full of fish, and the woods full of bees; when my grandfather Benjamin Williamson lived where Dallas Bevins now lives and my fathers sister Milla Porter lived below there on Big Creek, my father Paul Alley came out to see his sister the first time he came to Sandy. My father paul Alley was married when Big Creek was in Floyd County. My father was a preacher for many years before he died He first joined the Baptist Church and afterwards joined the Church of Christ and remained there until he died; he lived on Big Creek a few years then on Tug River up to the Civil War; then went to Rockcastle in what was then Johnson County. He died there and was buried on a point on the west side of the middle fork of Rockcastle about a half mile below the mouth of the Clicle Branch, Johnson County, but now Martin County, Ky.
My father was a wheel right and reed maker; my mother lived with her father, where Dallas Bevins now lives, until she was married. I think she belonged to the Church of Christ for many years before she died. I think she died in June 1863 on Hurrican and was buried on the point below the mouth of Hurrican, Pike County, Ky.{about 5 miles below Williamson, WV, down the Tug River, on the KY side}
I will now give the date of birth and marriage of my brothers and sisters, and myself.
Sister Polly was born Dec. 4, 1822, and married John Farley and had 11, children, with births and marriages as follows:
William was born and married Luticia Brewer.
Rebecca was born and married Aaron Runyon.
John Henry was born and married Melvina Hearal.
Martha married Riburn Luntsford.
Mary Jane died in childhood.
Peter died in childhood.
Paul married America Read.
Charity married Samuel Brewer.
Anderson married Allis Luntsford.
Floyd was born and married.
Sophia died in childhood.
Sister Polly belonged to the Church of Christ for many years before she died.

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Peter H. Alley was born April 14, 1826, and married Sarah E. Stanley Dec. 21, 1854, and had 13 children with following names and marriages:
John Alley was born Oct. 28, 1855 and married Polly Slater feb. 19, 1874.
Rebecca Alley was born jan. 14, 1857, and married Thomas Slater dec. 4, 1873.
Paul Z. Alley was born Oct. 4, 1858 and maried Lydia Farley Aug. 19, 1882.
Peter V. Alley was born Jan. 3, 1860, and married Martha V. Pauley Nov. 3, 1886.
Moses G. Alley was born Jan 24, 1862, and married Mary Ferrel March 31, 1887.
Benjamin T. Alley was born March 11, 1863, and married Sarah Jane Pinson Aug. 18, 1881.
Thomas K. Alley was born April 16, 1865, and married not.
George W.Alley was born Feb. 9, 1867, and married Sophia Slater Feb. 21, 1889.
Sarah M. Alley was born Sept. 28, 1868, and married L.D. Slater April 2, 1896.
Nancy A. Alley was born Feb. 10, 1870, and married James Lowe Aug. 28, 1897.
Esther Alley was born Jan. 20, 1872 and died June 27, 1890.
Luke S. Alley was born Dec. 19, 1873, and married Angeline Smith Nov. 19, 1893.
Hosea B. Alley was born Aug. 17, 1876 and married Sarah A. Pinson July 16, 1896.
I, Peter H. Alley was born April 14, 1826, a little up in the mouth of the Rock House Fork of Big Creek when this country was quiet fresh and full of game. I have been a church member ever sice 1854, and have tried to serve as a preacher for many years. I have been a citizen of Ky. most of my life, and most of my life in Pike County. I am nearly 75 years old and never bore testimony before any court in my life. I never was drunk; in regard to manual labor, farming has been my dependence but I have worked considerable at mechanical work from my boyhood up. Also a little at these: Carpenter, wheels, chairs, furniture, sley or reeds, black-smithing, tanning-shoe making, coopering and on water mills.
Benjamin W. Alley was born April 1, 1829, and married Elizabeth Thornsbury, step-daughter of Allen Taylor, and had 11 children, as follows:
Paul Alley married Malinda Runnels.
Jamima Alley married William Sherman.
Martain Alley was born and married Sarah A. Maynard.
William Alley married Mary Meadows.
Lucretia Alley died in childhood.
Noah Alley died in childhood and was buried on the John Davis farm middle of fork of Rockcastle, Johnson Co., Ky.
Benjamin Alley married Emaly D. Dotson, he died and was buried on the head of Mill Creek in Wise Co. Va. Thomas Alley was born.
Elizabeth Alley was born and married Paton Dotson, and she died and was buried at Norton, Wise Co. Va.
Rebecca Alley married Alaxandria Ruthford {Alexander Rutherford}.
Nancy Jane Alley died unmarried and was buried on the head of Mill Creek, Wise Co., Va.
Elizabeth {Elizabeth Thornsbury} Alley, Benjamin W. Alley's first wife belonged to the Church of Christ. She died Jan 13, 1882, and was buried on the point back of her husband's farm, Johns Creek, Pike Co., Ky.
Benjamin W. Alley was a member of the Church of Christ for many years before he died, he was born and raised in Pike Co. and lived in Pike most of his life until his first wife died. After the marriage of his second wife he moved to Wise Co., Va. i never knew him to be drunk, he died and was buried on the head of Mill Creek in Peter M. Alley's grave yard, Wise Co., Va. Benjamin W. Alley was a farmer but could work considerable at mechanical work wuch as making spinning wheels, black smith, shoe making and tanning.

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Nancy Alley was born Aug. 4th, 1831 and married William Maynard: children marriage:

Judia Maynard married George Runyon.
Paul Maynard born and married.
Herford Maynard married Jose Jones.
John Maynard ,married Mary Owens.
Benjamin Maynard born and married.
Peter Maynard born.
Rebecca Maynard married John Anderson.
Isabel Maynard married George Wharton.
Nancy Maynard belonged to the Church of Christ for many years before she died. She died July 9th. 1894 and was buried in the state of Texas.

Elizabeth Alley was born Jan. 1, 1834, and married William Blankenship. They had 6 children with marriages as follows:

Rebecca Blankenship married William Sword.
Second child no record.
Allice Blankenship born.
Elizabeth Blankenship born.
Thomas Blankenship born.
Ellen Blankenship born.

Elizabeth Blankenship belonged to the Church of Christ for many years before she died. She died on little Rockcastle of Wolf Creek in 1900 and was buried-


