Thomas Alley was born.
Elizabeth Alley was born and married Paton Dotson, and she died and was buried at Norton, Wise Co. Va.
Rebecca Alley married Alaxandria Ruthford {Alexander Rutherford}.
Nancy Jane Alley died unmarried and was buried on the head of Mill Creek, Wise Co., Va.
Elizabeth {Elizabeth Thornsbury} Alley, Benjamin W. Alley's first wife belonged to the Church of Christ. She died Jan 13, 1882, and was buried on the point back of her husband's farm, Johns Creek, Pike Co., Ky.
Benjamin W. Alley was a member of the Church of Christ for many years before he died, he was born and raised in Pike Co. and lived in Pike most of his life until his first wife died. After the marriage of his second wife he moved to Wise Co., Va. i never knew him to be drunk, he died and was buried on the head of Mill Creek in Peter M. Alley's grave yard, Wise Co., Va. Benjamin W. Alley was a farmer but could work considerable at mechanical work wuch as making spinning wheels, black smith, shoe making and tanning.
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Nancy Alley was born Aug. 4th, 1831 and married William Maynard: children marriage:
Judia Maynard married George Runyon.
Paul Maynard born and married.
Herford Maynard married Jose Jones.
John Maynard ,married Mary Owens.
Benjamin Maynard born and married.
Peter Maynard born.
Rebecca Maynard married John Anderson.
Isabel Maynard married George Wharton.
Nancy Maynard belonged to the Church of Christ for many years before she died. She died July 9th. 1894 and was buried in the state of Texas.
Elizabeth Alley was born Jan. 1, 1834, and married William Blankenship. They had 6 children with marriages as follows:
Rebecca Blankenship married William Sword.
Second child no record.
Allice Blankenship born.
Elizabeth Blankenship born.
Thomas Blankenship born.
Ellen Blankenship born.
Elizabeth Blankenship belonged to the Church of Christ for many years before she died. She died on little Rockcastle of Wolf Creek in 1900 and was buried-