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Son of Alden and Mary Elizabeth 'Polly' (Jackson) Williamson

General Information on this family

Solomon Williamson was born in 1801. He first married Fannie Jones, a daughter of Joshua Jones. She died in 1848. Solomon Williamson's second marriage was to Polly Cassel. They were married on 6 Feb 1851 in Lawrence County Kentucky. Polly was the widow of ,font color="red">Robert Sprigg. She was a daughter of Zader and Annie Cassel.

Children of Solomon and Fannie (Jones) Williamson

1.OWEN WILLIAMSON, married on 20 April 1843 to Peggy McNeely.
2. ELIZABETH WILLIAMSON, married John Emory Cassel on 6 June 1840.
3. BENJAMIN WILLIAMSON, born in 1828.
5. SOLOMON WILLIAMSON, Jr., born in 1831
6. ORPHA WILLIAMSON, born in 1834.
7. JOSHUA WILLIAMSON, born in 1837.
8. NANCY WILLIAMSON, born in 1839, married William Bowen in Lawrence County Kentucky on 21 Jan 1858.
9. WILLIAM WILLIAMSON, born in 1841, he married Amy Fluty in 1878.
10. EVALINE WILLIAMSON, was born in 1843, she married Harrison Hinkle.
11. JOHN 'LEVER' WILLIAMSON, he was born in 1845, he first married Fannie Carey, his second marriage was to Sarah Evans.

The children on Solomon and Polly (Cassel) Williamson

12. SYLVESTER WILLIAMSON, was born in 1852. His first marriage was to Luna Fluty. His second marriage was too Mary Whitt.
13. MACK WILLIAMSON, married Mary Neely.
14. NEWTON WILLIAMSON, he married Rilda Goble and had no children.
15. NATHAN WILLIAMSON, he was aborn on 23 Nov 1860. He married Cordela Preston a sister of Elliott Preston.

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!!!!!!Williamson WEB PAGE links, plus others!!!!!!

older sister - NANCY WILLIAMSON'S web page.
younger brother - WILLIAM WILLIAMSON'S web page.
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