
Welcome to my guestbook. Well, rather the page to get to it. Making a page to introduce the guestbook was easier than anywhere else I could stick it. Plus, it allows me to say a few things.

Here are some of the things still on my "to do" list:

This is in addition to going back and finishing Step 6, on the living vampires of Vlad Tepes and Elizabeth Bathory. If you have some suggestions of things I might should look into, such as additional research books, other vampire topics that I have not covered, or ideas on how I can expand on ones already listed, please share them with me, through e-mail, or this guestbook.

Please, do not leave questions on my guestbook that you want me to answer. Address all correspondence to me through my e-mail. If it is a question to the general population, then leave it here. Please place all general comments, praise, etc. here as well, rather than e-mailing them to me.


P.S. Due to new government laws, children aren't allowed to give out, nor webmaster's collect, their personal information, including e-mail addresses. If you are 13 or younger, do not leave your e-mail address on my guestbook, as it is public domain for anyone to view. You may sign it and leave a message, but in leaving your e-mail address you confirm you 14 or older.

Sign my guestbook here!

